(no subject)

May 19, 2007 09:05


More votings for you ♥

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed~

Character: Chao Lingshen
Series: Mahou Sensei Negima!
Age: 14

Canon: So what were you doing when you were 14? Running a successful business, building robots, training in martial arts, placing #1 in the school on all your exams, perfecting the art of Chinese cooking, and winning over the hearts of your classmates? Okay, maybe not--after all, Chao Lingshen is no ordinary girl. It's not just any middle school student whose list of "likes" includes world domination.

Chao is talented and popular, her skill set being in high demand among her peers, who rely on her for "meatbuns and convenient mecha." She has a cute, upbeat, and helpful persona, although her classmates do have a small idea of what lies beneath. And she's quite cheerful about telling them that she's a time-traveling Chinese Martian colonist who has sold her soul and emotions to science... because she knows that there's no more convincing lie than the truth.

But as far as her daily life goes, Chao's usually doing her part to support her classmates and the school through her technological expertise and her popular meatbun stand, Chao Bao Zi. She loves her hobbies and dedicates herself to them happily, pimping out her delicious and cheap meatbuns even as she's sending a robot army against her unsuspecting classmates.

Sample Post:

Aiiiiiiieeee! Help me, help me, please! I'm surrounded by horrible, smelly, rotting beasts! N-no... not there! Don't touch me there... iyaaaaaaan!

...Is probably what you're thinking right now, isn't it? You're trapped miles from home with no hope of escape, in constant peril! What a horrible situation! At a time like this, you need to clear your mind and keep up your strength. So when you can't hear the screams of the suffering undead over the sound of your own stomach growling, remember: Chao Bao Zi is here for you!

At Chao Bao Zi, we care about your nutritional needs as well as your unique financial situations. Enjoy one of our curry bun value meals, and your dollar goes further! These new taste sensations are available in pork, chicken, beef, shrimp, and brains. "Brains" filling is screened for prions, most infectious microbes, mercury, and addiction to Pokemon Blue, Red, Gold, Crystal, Diamond, and Pearl. Quality of brains not guaranteed. A surplus of undead labor allows my establishment to offer you the tastiest dishes for the best value. With my army of zombie bakers, I'll soon be taking over the world... of fine dining!

My secret recipes have been passed down to me through future generations of famous chefs. That's right: some of these dishes haven't even been invented yet! You don't believe me? A martian never lies, you know~. ♥ Well, I can't give away all my secrets quite yet. That would ruin the fun! But there's no harm in introducing potential customers to some of what goes on in the kitchens of Chao Bao Zi, eh? Would you like to see one of my star chefs in action? Just behind this counter, we can watch as Alton Brains puts the finishing touches on a Chicken Scallion Dream Bun. Step one: he makes a hole in the bun. Step two...

...It looks like I'm going to have to invent a bun-stuffing robot after all, eh? I was hoping to save a little bit on equipment, but I have a feeling the Beaked Business Bureau isn't going to be too happy with my workers. Employing psychics is going a bit far, in my opinion. Sanitations regulations are getting stricter before you know it. Alton, I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go--what you're doing there is not good eats. I know you have a family to feed, but... would you like to take a look at our dollar menu? ♥

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Wanijima Akito/Agito
Series: Air Gear
Character Age: 14

Canon: In the future, the technology of in-line skating has evolved much like that old pizza in the fridge. Better, stronger, faster, and only a little less likely to try to eat your face. These new skates are called A-T, and they allow humans to perform superhuman feats, such as summoning fire, ripping apart the earth, and of course, the act of flying. Not only has this started an underground turf war, the elite are said to follow certain 'Roads' which define their A-T style, and the best of the best are known as Kings of their Road.

Akito and Agito are split personalities in the same body. Akito is sweet, childlike and almost considerate. He is puppyishly cute, but not exactly innocent, as he can say some truly horrible things with a cheerful smile. Agito is the side of him that exists for battle. He's violent, rude, prone to random outbursts of 'FUCK,' and enjoys carving his Road into the bodies of other people. This has crowned him Fang King of the Bloody Road. His Regalia (a special A-T unit created only for Kings) is designed to lacerate anything it comes in contact with.

It's worth noting that Akito and Agito are quite aware of each other and can willingly swap personalities by moving their eyepatch from one side to the other.

Sample Post:

Oh wow! I've never seen someone try to keep talking with their jaw dislocated like that! It does make it a little tricky to make out what you're saying, but that's okay, as long as you understand me! Um, we're a little lost, and I'm not really sure if a fight is a good idea! Agito doesn't want to play... He says you're not worth our time, so if you'd just move aside and let us by, I'd really appreciate it!

I understand you might be a little mad about the birds, but Agito was worried that our head was getting a bit too crowded, and was trying to protect me. I'm sure he didn't mean to get them all over you. But if that's the only problem? Blood comes out really easily with cold water and hydrogen peroxide, even it takes you a day or two to get to the stains.

No? Oh! You have A-T? We really don't have time for a run, like I said. I'm sure we're already late to our match. The 'living dead' theme is really neat though. A lot of work must have gone into those uniforms! You're shaking your head no again... Your theme has to do with the buckets of ice cream you have? You know, I never realized how hard charades can be when you are missing fingers. This is kind of fun though!

So if I'm putting this together correctly, you want to be the king of... Ah, excuse me! Agito wants t-

FUCK! You two-bit rotting retards sure are trying hard to PISS ME OFF! Forget 'A-T!' You call fucking ice cream scoopers taped to your feet Regalia?! King of the Rocky Road? Don't you DARE look down on me like that! Low-life scum like you want to risk an arm and a leg against me?! I'm going to make you look like those cheap ass costumes. I'm not going to leave you enough of your face for you to show it again!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like cutting through butter! Keep coming! Keep coming! I'll kill you all!


Well! That's out of the way. Oh neat! Those bits are still moving! It may not have been much of a match, but look: it's not a total waste! We got the scoops out of it and the cartons were really full.

Mmm~! Strawberry ice cream sounds really good right now!

Poll Vote!

Character: Pietro Maximoff
Series: X-Men: Evolution
Character Age: 17

Canon: Being a mutant is hard enough. In a world where people fear and loathe you, it's pretty easy to wander down the wrong path. Of course, when you start down the wrong path, it only gets harder.

The son of Magneto, Pietro has never exactly had it easy. Separated from his twin at a young age, due to her inability to control her burgeoning powers, he spent most of his life as an only child. Mostly neglected, Pietro tried to keep himself occupied with 'normal' outlets, but soon learned that when you move as fast as he does, it takes more than basketball to keep yourself entertained. His struggle eventually lead him down a destructive path that landed him in jail. Freed by Magneto, he was sent to join the Brotherhood.

Set loose once again upon an unsuspecting population, Pietro devoted his abilities to furthering his father's goal, which often lead him to betray the people who truly cared for him. His loyalty can be swayed as quickly as he moves, and though not the most dependable, Pietro has proven that he can differentiate between what he wants and what he thinks is best. Cocky, arrogant, and rather fickle, Pietro can be a hard person to get along with. Unless of course you can keep him entertained.

Challenge, anyone?

Sample Post:

Woohoo! Take that! Can't singe me if I'm not there! Speaking of...Where am I? Huh...Could've sworn I went left. Oh well, might as well take a look around. Might be something interesting. Tree. Tree. Tree. Could this place be any more boring? I haven't had this much fun since Wanda dragged me to the library. Ooo..Old ladies shouldn't wear spandex. In fact, no one should. Except me. Bodies as fine as mine need to be shared with the masses.

What if I went this way? Nope. Oh this has my sister written all over it. Dammit Wanda! See if I go anywhere with you again. What's with all the signs?! They point in every direction, but when you follow 'em...Vip. Nada. Zilch. Woah! Pond! Ooo...A trail. Watch closely ladies and gentlemen. And Voila!

Great. I'm back where I started.

Okay, Pietro. Think. This is just another challenge. What if...No. No. No. Oh, hell no! Okay, this is pointless. Maybe if there was something other than damn trees! Stop. Getting. In. The. Way. I can turn you into paper, you know. You don't wanna mess with me. What was that? Movement! Yes!

Helllooooo there! Feisty little bug, aren't you? Pretty fast too. Wanna race? Yea, good luck tiny. On three. One...two...Later!

Hahaha!! Can't catch me. Keep trying! And better luck next...time? Woah! Hey! Get back here! I said slow down! Nobody's faster than me! Understand?

Stupid cockroach. You realize, you're one can of bug spray away from being belly up on the linoleum. Does this place even have linoleum? It should. Trenches look cool, but they're murder on the shins. Skid marks are much cooler. But, first! Bug spray...bug spray...Where can I find some bug spray? Oh...did that scare you? Stopping was smart, don't want to break a twiggy leg now. Ha! Who's the man? Yea, that's right. I'm-Owwwww....Tree.

Poll Vote!

Character: Kimi Toudou
Series: Fruits Basket
Character Age: 17

Canon: Kimi is a member of the student council at Kaibara High School. She's a second year student, and a Presidential Secretary to Yuki Sohma... but that's not what she's known for. Kimi is known for being the most cheerfully annoying girl in the entire school. She uses a childish sing-song voice and speaks in third person in all of her interactions, tries (very obviously) to manipulate guys into giving her things or doing things for her, and is little more than a pest to most of the student body, who want to break her in half. But Kimi isn't really mean-spirited, and more often than not the 'victims' of her manipulations fully deserve it, in some karmic way. She just tries to get people to relax a little bit, using her aggressively cute personality to do it.

Kimi is best friends with Kakeru Manabe, together making a very forcefully oblivious team of annoyances; especially to Yuki Sohma (who they both call: 'Yun Yun'). She also has her various (male) admirers, and will accept almost anyone's proposition for a date, even if she has no intentions of taking the relationship seriously.

Sample Post:

Hey greeting party! Kimi thinks it's really great you all like her so much, but you have to go away now and stop crawling after Kimi. Kimi's in a new environment, so she needs to shed her exoskeleton, open her mandibles wiiiiide, and spread her wings to fly out and search for prey! Oh, but not really-- that's just what other unpopular girls would say about Kimi behind Kimi's back, when they thought naive, innocent Kimi wasn't looking or listening to them. Isn't it saaaaaad? Soooo~, since Kimi's so slow to trust new people she's never met before, please give Kimi her space, thanks! ♥

Oh, wait, stop! Don't go to pieces on Kimi... or, wait, you're not human at all! Oh, no! The dead have risen, and have chosen to chase down a poor, helpless, virgin girl! A~h~h~h~~ They're going to rape Kimi~!

Ah... Kimi got away... but Kimi got hurt! Kimi's poor, supple, untouched body! But before they got their licks in, Kimi took pictures of them with her cellphone camera! Kimi took lots of pictures! You can see them even though they're surrounded by ugliness, and even uglier trees! Now when some other girls call Kimi a blood-sucking parasite, Kimi can show them an actual picture so they'll be able to tell the difference! Smaller fangs, cuter face, and no blood sucking! Kimi is not for sucking-blood, no, too gross!

Oh, that reminds Kimi-- Yun Yun!!~ Student Defense Force Member: Pink has come to help! No matter how sullied Kimi's body may get, Kimi will complete her duty and rescue you away from this horrible place! I'm assuming you're willing to spring for a helicopter ride, a shower and some shampoo first, at least! Kimi can't have her body be too sullied, after all. ♥

Poll Vote!

Character: Prier
Series:La Pucelle: Tactics
Age: 16

Canon: Welcome to the kingdom of Paprica, a land of abundant magic, adorably deadly monsters, and random French names. In the Church of the Holy Maiden, La Pucelle is a special task force: demon hunters, combat exorcists, supernatural detectives and sometime group therapists. (There's also something about the Dark Prince being reborn, but who really cares about that?) And the newest members of La Pucelle are Prier and her little brother Culotte, orphans largely cared for by the church.

It's easy to say Prier is bad-tempered, violent, demanding, ambitious, irresponsible and rude, mainly because she is indeed all these things. Of course, she's also notoriously easy to anger, so she'd probably punch your lights out for saying it. The fact is that Prier does have a strong sense of right and wrong -- she simply isn't concerned with formality, hurt feelings, or other people's rules. Living with Prier may be one big headache much of the time, but sometimes the world really needs her special blend of blunt honesty and utter impatience.

Note that as a holy woman, Prier is able to convert most monsters to her tyranny side.

Sample Post:

Look, zombies are just passé. You're slow, you're stupid, you're weak. And nobody wants to hear any more wacky stories about how you kept mumbling something that sounded sort of like "rains," ha, ha. Face it, your time is over. The fact that you're dead should've tipped you off ages ago.

However, you wimps -- wait, sorry, I shouldn't say that. You losers are all I have, at least until I can find some real monsters to beat into submission. You're working for me now. Don't give me those puppy eyes -- put them back where you got them! And don't bother picking your jaws up off the ground, cause you won't need them. ...Sweet Goddess, these things really do only bring clichés.

Our number one priority is finding some goddamn sign of civilization. I've been stuck in this stinking swamp thing for days, and so far the only lights I've seen have led me to three separate haunted stripclubs. I never knew there was a market for those, and let me tell you, I really never wanted to. I've seen way too many body parts wearing nothing but ectoplasm, they didn't appreciate the exorcisms, and the dancers barely had any food. No wonder they're all skeletons, sheesh.

I want you and you to head north. And you two, keep following that... rainbow made out of glitter, and if you stop to make out next to it again, I'm gonna sock you. I'm guessing the fact that the landscape is getting weirder by the second means I'm getting close to something I can beat up to fix all this, and I had better get a darn good reward for it. I'm a demon hunter! My job description doesn't cover things like wading through bogs of marinara sauce or having to carry my own supplies! Do you have any idea what making Culotte do my laundry is going to be like?

Then, of course, we can start trying to figure out what the heck happened to the rest of my group, cause I really can't wait to see them again. Guys, wherever you are right now, I... I just hope you all know that I'm not going to forgive you for ditching me in this hole. No. You're gonna pay.

Poll Vote!

Character: Zuko
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Character age: 16

Canon: In the world of Avatar there are four nations, Air, Water, Fire and Earth. Once they coexisted peacefully, under the guidance of the Avatar, master of manipulating all four elements, an art known as "bending." Then the Fire Nation decided to take over the world. Only the Avatar could stop the Fire Nation's aggression but he disappeared. 100 years later that war is still going strong and the new Avatar has to save the world before it's too late.

Pursuing him is Zuko, an exiled prince of the Fire Nation. In order to regain his lost honor and make daddy, the Fire Lord Ozai, love him again he's been charged with capturing the new Avatar. Fierce, determined and more stubborn than a mule, he will go to any length to achieve this. He's a competent warrior and firebender, who fails at basic living skills, with a great deal of pride and a very explosive, sometimes literally, temper. What he lacks in patience he makes up for with sheer tenacity. He does very slowly start to become more zen about his situation as the series progresses but he can still very easily backslide into his old habits. Under all the bluster he's really a very sweet boy who loves his country, cares about people, and just wants his family to love and value him.

Note: Animals in Avatar are special. They're combinations of animals, like turtle-ducks instead of normal species.

Also, Zuko is being taken from the beginning of Book 2, Episode 17; "Lake Laogai."

Sample post:

What manner of trickery is this? You just don't step into a puddle in a dank passageway and end up in a fetid swamp. Much less with a flock of strange shell-less turtle-ducklings following you. I've never seen firebending ducks of any kind before. But just because I'm a firebender doesn't make me your mother. So go. Go on. Can't you see I'm busy? Go! Before I decide to put roast duck on the menu. Do you have no survival instinct whatsoever? Fine. Follow me; just stay out of my way. I can't have distractions while I'm. . . baking.

I can't believe I was convinced to try baking. . . This is ridiculous! I fail to see how baking for an army of rodents will help me capture the Avatar, or how it will improve my firebending. After the rumors of a "boy with an arrow on his head" turned out to be a shuffling corpse with an arrow in its head, I'm starting to believe this 'contest' and its 'prize' of the "most sought after Avatar" is utterly pointless. And I refuse to believe that this pink, fluffy apron is proper attire. It's embarrassing for a warrior! That's it; I withdraw!

What do you mean I cannot withdraw? There was no fine. . . print-sacrifice to the lake god? Very well. I will play along with this farce. And I will win. No one laughs at Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. I'll show them even if I have to make 100 batches of banana-nut muffins. But are they supposed to bounce like that?

Aargh! The fire! Baking would be easier if the swamp water didn't keep dousing the flames almost as if it wants to spite me. At least I can re-light the flames with my firebending; there's no flint. But this batch had better not scorch because of the rodents' "help" or furry heads will roll. Don't think I didn't hear that, rodent. Of course I'm flaming, I have to re-light the fire again, but I don't appreciate the derision with which you use the term. And don't even think of getting your dirty little paws anywhere near my utensils. I have enough trouble keeping them clean as it is. Hey! Why you little-!!

-Breathe, Zuko. If I lose my temper the muffins will scorch. I must remain calm. Think of more pleasant things, like capturing the Avatar. I wonder if the Avatar likes baked goods. Perhaps I can lure him. Yes, guile just might work. All I must do is win the map to this camp and put the plan into motion. Simple as-

Oh no! The soufflé fell. Now it's ruined. And it was nearly perfect too. But I must persevere. I won't go down without a fight. Never!

I just never imagined I would be fighting with an oven.

Poll Vote!

Character: Maria Tachibana
Series: Sakura Taisen
Character Age: 20

Canon: Set in an alternate 1920's Japan full of anachronistic technology, Sakura Taisen is a series that answers the age-old question of what would happen if the members of the Takarazuka Revue (an all-female musical theatre troupe) also piloted giant robots to fight against demons. Because everything's better with giant robots.

Maria is one of the most senior members of the Teikoku Kagekidan, and its vice-commander. Formerly a Russian revolutionary, then a bodyguard for the mafia (and all before she was eighteen, too), Maria's experiences have made her tough, unemotional, extremely competent with a gun, and prone to starting sentences with "On the battlefield..." Of course, since Sakura Taisen is actually a harem anime of sorts based on a dating sim (no, really), she has a soft and fluffy center beneath her cold exterior, but she doesn't let it be seen very often.

(Note: I will be playing her primarily from the TV series, though her characterization doesn't vary much between the approximately 9,999 versions of her canon.)

Sample Post:

Generally, evil does not isolate itself far from civilization. It goes where there are people: people it can prey on, whose weaknesses it can exploit. The biggest cities cast the biggest shadows, so to speak; swamps like this one tend to cast almost none at all. Besides, I suspect evil prefers the comforts of civilization to camping in the wilderness, but that is beside the point.

That said, however, it seems there really are exceptions to every rule, because this place is quite overrun with demons of all sorts, some of which are rather... verbal. At least they seem to be far weaker than the ones back in Tokyo, even if there are more of them. I should have little trouble keeping them at bay. I do find it rather distressing, however, that I can't seem to make contact with the base from here. Every time I attempt to radio them, I only get a voice saying something about a "database error." Technology may not be my area of expertise, but I doubt that that is a good sign.

At least I seem to be rid of the crocodile demons that were accosting me earlier. They are particularly talkative -- one of them asked me if I thought love could bloom on the battlefield, of all things. Of course, I believe that on the battlefield, personal affection is only a liability, but I decided to shoot the creature rather than waste my breath attempting to explain my point of view. Talking to them rarely seems to have any effect, in my experience, but bullets to the face seem to get their attention.

-- ah, it seems one of the crocodile creatures has returned. Well, actually, most likely it isn't one of the ones from before, as it doesn't appear to have been shot. Besides which, I don't recall any of them walking on hind legs and carrying a gun. This one does talk as well, though --

... No, I am fairly sure that in Russia, crocodile did not, in fact, shoot me.

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