(no subject)

May 17, 2008 16:50

HEY GUYS, Eryne's batch is still open! Please go vote on that one too if you haven't already. ♥

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closeddd.

Character: Heihachi
Series: Amatsuki
Age: definitely teenaged, looks around 16-18

Canon: You know those people that say, "a little learning never hurt?" Well, when you're Rikugou Tokidoki, that doesn't quite ring true. When making up for his low history grade at a virtual reality simulation of Edo-era Japan, Toki is attacked by a monster, and things suddenly become a lot less virtual. Stuck in a version of Edo where humans and very real demons are at war, Toki has to deal with culture shock, figuring out his sudden strange powers, and each side of the war vying for him to join them. But hey, it's a learning experience.

A friend of Toki's, Heihachi is a resident of Edo, and is by far the most normal re-occuring one. He's perfectly average in every way- no powers, no curses, and no extraordinarily good looks. (In fact, his looks have gotten him the nickname "hyottoko," which is a kind of clown figure from Japanese theater with a distorted face and large round eyes.) Though that last one might occasionally send him into sparkling fits of depression, Heihachi is usually a fairly agreeable person who values his friends and has no problem with working hard. He does, however, have a tendency to spazz when startled. Or annoyed. Or scared. But Heihachi is a proudly self-proclaimed true child of Edo! He's reliable and generally polite (unless you hit one of his self-esteem buttons,) and he would do anything for his friends. YEAH! EDO STYLE!

Sample Post:

E-ehhhh... Hello? Anyone there? I'm supposed to be delivering something here... So has anyone seen a big unmarked white tent? ....Of course no one's seen it; there's no one around! I shouldn't have taken directions from that drunkard moaning about giant squid. It's creepy heeeere~~ A forest should have more life! But something must have made that mess by the lak-- KYAA! W-who are you?! T-the customer? Ahh, it's so nice to see someone else around here! Even if they could really use a bath! Oh, if you left your package in your tent, I can just follow you there to get it! As long as it ends up in my hands, it's no problem!

Hey, what's all this stuff you ordered for, anyway? Flaming rings, flaming batons, and a flaming magician?! I guess you have to have a theme for this "circus" thing, whatever it is... Huh?! It's your failing business? That's terrible! Is... is there anything I can do? If there is, I would be happy to help! Yeah, even if it means changing into some of your clothes! Why would you need me to, though? And what's with this suit? Yellow with red spots is so tacky! It's-- hey! Hmph. Just because I ask a lot of questions doesn't mean I don't have any brains! You don't have to ask about them so earnestly like that. Anyway, I can't do you a favor if I don't know what it... it's... A CLOWN SUIT?! What makes you think I would be suited to that? If... if it's my face, that's just cruel...

Ehhh... well... I made a promise, so I'll do it! I'm a child of Edo, and I don't go back on my word! And I think I might know what your business is missing... Your performers are really amazing, but they spend all their time groaning! Their performance needs more passion and energy, or else their act will all go to pieces. It can be saved, though, unless... t-their bodies go to pieces too?! W-waaah! Are they all right?! W...well, I've seen some pretty amazing things, so if you say it's just a flesh wound, I'll believe you... U-uwaaaaah, so scary...

A...ahem, so I was at passion and energy! Your animals... they have plenty of both of those, but if they would direct them towards performing instead of each other... What I'm saying is, the thing you're missing here is life! But don't worry, with some hard work we could have it fixed right up! For the animals... I hear cold water can help with that! And we can turn those groans into cheers! If the audience wants antics, we'll give them antics! If the audience wants action, we'll give them action!

--Huh? What's that? "With my looks, that's the only action I'll be getting..." --H-HEY! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU!

Poll Vote!

Character: Pallapalla (sometimes called Para Para also)
Series: Sailor Moon
Character Age: None given, but does state that she is a child

Canon: Pallapalla is the youngest of four circus superstars known as the Amazoness Quartet. Her specialties include-but are not limited to-ball balancing & juggling acts, storytelling, talking in third-person, crying, and stealing the beautiful dreams of innocent children. All of this makes perfect sense when you consider she's a member of the Dead Moon Circus-the villains of the fourth season of Sailor Moon.

Pallapalla, for the most part, acts like a spoiled child. She cares only about herself, and having fun; therefore sometimes (often) she has her fun at the expense of others. She doesn't understand-or just doesn't care about-the consequences of her actions, so if somebody gets in her way, she doesn't think twice about killing them to solve the problem. It's not like she's fond of humans, anyway. And besides, if you're a kid and you get in trouble, all you have to do is say sorry, right? Works great for Pallapalla, since she's never going to grow up. She and her sisters view adulthood as a horrible thing, binding you to a monotonous life where you lose your dream and only do what society tells you to. But a child can do whatever they want with no worries! Have fun while you still can, before you become a boring grown-up!

Sample Post:

--And then the wolf gobbled the third piggie right up! And that night, he had a terrible tummy ache from overeating, and died of indigestion. The end!

... Huh, huh? Of course it's bad if you eat too much, even if it's something tasty! You can get things like cavities, and all your teeth will fall out! Well, all three you still have, at least. But, but, that's not important! You're supposed to clap when Pallapalla's story finishes! That's how you show you liked it~ ♥ Of course Pallapalla already knows you liked her story, because it was super great-but you're still supposed to applaud, anyway!

You're really lucky you get to see Pallapalla's show at all, you know! So you'd better not whine and you'd better not cry! And you'd better fork over $100 for a ticket. Pallapalla already told you why! The Dead Moon Circus is coming to your camp! Hm, hm~ actually, Pallapalla isn't coming, she's already here. That's why you got to see her magic show before anything else! ♥ It's a special free preview, but it's only a little bit as amazing as the whole entire Dead Moon Circus is! You'll see all kinds of spectacular feats if you come to the real show!

Pallapalla was supposed to put up posters for the big show around your camp, too, but that's so booooring, boring! Of course, Pallapalla is a good girl who would put up posters if she was asked to. She isn't the kind of mischievous girl who would say that the posters got lost, so there was nothing she could do about it, and then go play games with her new zombie toys instead. Not Pallapalla, not at all! ♥ But if the posters did get lost by accident, it isn't Pallapalla's fault; she didn't mean to drop them in the lake!

But now that the posters are all gone, Pallapalla has nothing to do until the rest of the circus catches up with her... so you're going to shut up and play with her! Pallapalla doesn't really like the way her new zombie toys smell, but otherwise you're just like great big dolls~ Pallapalla can take this one's head and put it on this one, because they match better that way, you know! And this one needs another arm, so Pallapalla will give it yours-well, you weren't using it right, anyway! And you need that one's leg... Oops, that makes two left feet, doesn't it...? Well, Pallapalla thinks it'll be fun to learn to walk like that!

When Pallapalla looks at it, there aren't enough parts for all of you to have enough, are there? But Pallapalla can still make it a fun game, even if you're halfway broken like this. ♥ So don't worry, you'll be fine without those kneecaps. Pallapalla knows it's okay! After all, Pallapalla's played Doctor lots of times before.

Poll Vote!

Character: Monika Adenauer
Series: Yakitate!! Japan
Character Age: 16

Canon: There's manga about baseball, the mafia, and even card games, but never before has there been a manga about bread! Until now, that is. Yakitate!!Japan is the story of Azuma Kazuma, a young boy who is determined to bake a bread that for once isn't French, English, or even German. Oh no, he plans to make the ultimate Japanese bread, ja-pan (a pun, as 'pan' is Japanese for 'bread'), and taking a bite out of any and all trials, dramatic backstories, fourth wall breakage, and bad jokes that get in his way!

Monika is a German-American, and she is unique in this setting simply by the fact she isn't crazy about bread. No, the food she's crazy for is candy! To the point she'd kick anyone who touches it without her permission. She utilizes this sweet tooth too, by becoming a world champion pastry chef despite being an amateur baker, and one day hopes to achieve her dream: to own her own 'candy castle', aka: a sweet shop. Determined, she'll also use any tricks sans cheating itself to get her way, which includes baking in only a bikini on or flirting. Nor is Monika above being brash or having occasional bursts of temper. However, she can put it all behind her as she is otherwise rather playful and bubbly, and is an ordinary teenage girl when you get down to it. Not to mention, if you'll pardon the pun, she's also a very sweet girl.

Sample Post:

Hi~! I'm Monika Adenauer, a pastry chef who has been asked by the Director of this place to show you guys how real sweets and treats are made. And one of the first things I found out when I got here is that when it comes to making desserts, you guys really take the cake. No, I mean it! After all, making cakes without real sugar? No wonder you all look like zombies! So from now on, CFUD isn't going to be known as 'Camp Fuck U Die', ooooh no, instead it's going to be 'Cakes For Uber Dummies'! Got it?

Great! Now who around here has had previous experience with baking? No one? I heard that there was a baker somewhere around here named Marcy, but she'd only put buns into the guy's ovens! But no worries, anyone, female or male, can put a bun in my oven anytime as long as you ask nicely ♥. And-- yes, yes, of course I mean it! That's what I'm here to do, after all!

Anyway, let's begin with stage one of the CFUD program, collecting the ingredients! Before I arrived here the Director provided with a list of things to make cake with, so you better get all the items on it. With a good sugar substitute, by the way, none of that disgusting Splenda stuff; all that'll bring is gruel and unusual punishment. So if you do find something good, I'll give you a surprise ♥-- no, not a piece of my mind! Why on earth would you want me to yell at you? U-unless you're into that sort of thing, and if so, you're still denied!

Honestly, is collecting ingredients really that hard? I would've thought it'd be a no brainer, you just need to find the ingredients on the lis-- hey, hey don't walk away! You wouldn't leave a girl all alone to get all the ingredients by herself in a creepy place like this, would you? I was joking when I said it was a no brainer, there's tons of brains involved! Look, they're even on the list, where it says brains and edible underwear and-- h-hahaha, you've got to be kidding me, what kind of ingredients are these?! Alright, that's the last straw! This place is spooky and muddy and now the ingredients are really messed up! If you guys wanted something sweet, you're now out of luck because my sweet, sweet candy is out of stock!

...what do you mean you'll just go to Candy Mountain? And my name may not be Charlie, but I'm going too!

Poll Vote!

Character: Kiryuu Zero
Series: Vampire Knight
Character Age: 17

Canon: Vampire Knight is a delicious mix of shoujo
fanservice and bloody addictive cliches. The story follows Yuki and
Zero, guardians of Cross Academy, and their quest to keep the peace
between the normal Day Class and the vampire Night Class, all while
making sure nobody discovers that vampires live in their school. The
rest of the action comes from the very touchy love triangle between
Yuki, Zero and the painfully beautiful leader of the Night Class.

On the losing side of this triangle is Kiryuu Zero, Yuki's childhood
friend and a vampire who hates vampires. Attacked at a very young age,
Zero walks the fine line between vampire hunter and a human who is
slowly turning into a blood-sucking fiend. The change results in
suicidal tendencies, healthy helpings of emo and general bitterness
and distrust toward the vampires and the world. But through it all,
Zero still manages to chase off schoolgirls with his brash temper and
strict no-nonsense nature, while being extremely devoted to those he
cares about. Blunt and quick to correct a mistake, he is also capable
of sudden violence in the blink of an eye. Although he despises his
vampire tendencies, Zero has decided to live his regular life for as
long as he can. Now if only he could sort out his emotions and be
honest with himself.

This app is taken from before the major Yuki spoilers of Chapter 34.

Sample Post:

What has the headmaster gotten himself into this time? And what kind
of name is Center For Undead Desegregation? As if playing nice with
vampires wasn't bad enough, now we have advocates for zombie/human
relations. How can anyone even think about trusting something whose
idea of sharing new perspectives is ripping out someone's eyes and
handing them to someone else? And "braaaains" makes one hell of an
apology. Yuki would probably try to say it translates into something
about cultural differences and they just confused the phrase with
their term for an IOU. But culture clash isn't their only problem. The
last time I checked, eating people isn't some highly honored
tradition, where zombie families gather around the table to enjoy
their liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. I got enough of
that "culture" when one tried to offer me her special recipe for blood
pudding. And that's exactly why all zombie visits to the mess hall now
require supervision. It's one of the new rules that's going to help
things run a lot more smoothly here.

Rule number two is that zombies must maintain a 10 foot distance from
humans between the hours of 10 am and -- I didn't mean
literally! You're supposed to measure with your eyes, idiots! I'm
here to help keep the peace, not the pieces. Are you even listening?
Fine! Keep tossing limbs everywhere. It just proves how much you care
about keeping things together. I don't know what else I expected from
a bunch of undead monsters. I still can't believe we're expected to
refer to them as the living impaired. The only ones impaired by their
living are the rest of us! If we have to call them something, it
should be necrologically challenged since their inability to stay dead
is what's causing this mess. And you! I already warned you that if you
get any closer to those campers, I'm fully willing to help out with
that performance problem! I told you to keep your hands to
yourself -- no, using someone else's hands doesn't make it any

I'm nipping this problem in the bud right now! All afternoon
activities are suspended while these zombies learn the meaning of
personal space, and I'm not referring to what's inside their heads.
I'm sick of all this talk about "bridging barriers" when nobody's even
taught them how to avoid crossing the line! That's if this place even
has one. At least the academy has a fence so there's some sense of
control, even if I have to put up with those girls screaming bloody
murder every time it keeps them from the Night Class. I didn't think
there was anything that could be more of a pain in the neck. But these
zombies are sure trying, in every way possible!

And if I'm expected to actually sink my teeth into this project, some
activities are being completely postponed until I'm sure there's no
more communication problems like earlier. This includes the former
"buddy system" since I'm not risking the possible interpretations of
the heads-up signal. Forget it, this is not up for discussion! I
already sat in on the last brainstorming exercise, where everyone was
asked to put their minds together. I've seen enough. And just so we
don't have any future misunderstandings, there's now a Zero-tolerance
policy in effect for all incidents of violence against campers. Which
means any zombie who wants to play rough is going to have to tolerate
me -- shooting them in the head!

What? You think I'm all bark and no bite? Just try me. Then
we'll see who really "sucks at life."

Poll Vote!

Character: Ayase Yue
Series: Mahou Sensei Negima!
Character Age: 15

Canon: Ah, Mahou Sensei Negima! Where the normal school life of class 3-A is constantly entwined with the hidden, magical world operating just barely underneath the radar. Some of the students have long been aware of the existence of magic... Ayase Yue, however, was not originally one of those students. An apathetic intellectual, her life is founded upon the study of philosophy and perusing the sprawling (and extensively booby-trapped) Library Island on campus. She has thus acquired a near-encyclopedic knowledge of many things, which she will happily explain in a calm monotone--but when it comes to actual classwork, she doesn't care to make the effort, leaving her near the bottom of her class. When she discovers magic through her classmates and teacher, however, her interest is caught. She dedicates herself to studying magic on her own and supporting her new comrades, and it becomes clear that when she wants to, Yue can be a harder worker than anyone. She also has quite a few idiosyncrasies, including an addiction to juice boxes in the most... unique flavors imaginable (Tomato Milk or Salt Water, anyone?), and a habit of launching into long and verbose monologues or muttering philosophical queries to herself, especially when under pressure.

Sample Post:

...Mmm. Now that I think of it, I read about this once, in a book hidden in the depths of Library Island. It spoke of a place with strong connections to alternate realities, somewhat similar to the Bermuda Triangle; theoretically existing in our world but also at the center of mysterious disappearances and paranormal phenomena. Not to mention the fact that Louisiana is suspiciously close to the Bermuda Triangle... Perhaps this is where the fabled victims of the area disappear to... But is this really the Louisiana of our dimension? It can't be, that would be too easy! They wouldn't be lost forever that way! However, the notion of parallel universes brings with it a lot of troublesome connotations, including the issue of infinite versions of people and events--

--A-And the more pressing issue of hostile flora for which I have no data! Thank goodness that in this dimension, at least, plants still have an elemental weakness to fire. Though the elemental predilection towards disrobing people I could do without...

I suppose if this is another dimension, even if I could research a way to dispel magical barriers, it might not have an effect here... Well. All things considered, this place looks quite inhabitable. There should be no problem with my staying here. The people seem to have established a peaceful and stable foundation in the midst of their troubles. This may raise the debate on whether or not such contentment is sincere or whether it is merely collaboration with those in power for one's own safety... but perhaps it is in bad taste to brush so close to historical documentaries when the setting is closer to a B-movie. The questions of morality and la Resistance are better answered with a more comprehensive understanding of the facts. For now, my safety and health appear to be secure. And, ah...! The one true indicator of a civilized and comfortable society! A library!

Mm. I'll be staying here. This place might not be as spacious as Library Island, nor will it be quite as awe-inspiring, but any bibliophile ought to appreciate a library that houses books from multiple dimensions. Absorbing the information is almost my duty as an intellectual offered the chance. And it will be nice to find some of the more obscure literature without having to deal with the traps--gah! I spoke too soon... To think the books themselves would become my enemy...! I don't want to be caught by Catch-22! And--I would appreciate it if Lolita would stop mocking my chest size! That's too cruel, even for a library deathtrap... But lighting an intelligent book on fire seems just as wrong... Could it be that this place specializes in psychological warfare?! No! If there's anything I can trust in this world or any other, it's the healing light of literature! I won't be dissuaded!

Hmmph. Now that I'm safe, I think I'll pass on the Mess Hall for now, thank you. There are books to be read. And I'm not really interested in Tuesday's Mystery Soup. Although... I'll have one Tuesday's Mystery Juice Box, please.

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