(no subject)

Jul 25, 2008 20:01

HELLO HELLO. Apps are coming in at a nice slow pace~ it's time for our early bird round! If you're still working on your apps, you've got until 6AM EST to send it in. Ten hours, people.

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character Name: Nunnally Lamperouge, ((a/k/a Nunnally Vi Britannia))
Series: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Character Age: 14

Canon: Once upon a time, Momma CLAMP and Poppa GUNDAM decided to have a baby and name it Code Geass. In the land of Geass, Japan has been conquered by the might of the Holy Empire of Britannia and renamed "Area 11." Thus, the Japanese have been forced to either survive in ghettos or rebel. As the full series name implies, Lelouch Lamperouge, himself an exiled Britannian prince presumed dead, leads a rebellion of those rebellious Japanese for the sake of a better world for his cherished younger sister, Nunnally.

Nunnally, equally devoted to her brother, is a sweet, kind-hearted Jesus girl, but her extreme gentleness conceals an extraordinary strength that keeps her head high and spirits lifted despite a horrific past. Present during her mother's assassination, Nunnally was crippled during the attack; she was confined to a wheelchair and lost her eyesight due to the extreme psychological trauma of the event. Her disabilities in no way prevent her from living a full life as a student, however, and topping everyone around her with a soft smile and gentle command. Her dearest wish is for a kind, gentle world.

(Note: Nunnally is taken from pre-episode 22 of Season 1.)

Sample Post:

The world truly is full of wonderful people, isn't it? Within seconds of arriving at Area CFUD I was greeted warmly and, well, slightly wetly, by the local Zombonese guides. I asked them if they would be able to take me to my big brother, and while I couldn't quite catch everything they said, I'm certain that they very forcibly cried, "Brains!" I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that he would have such a fitting nickname, and I'm very glad to have been able to communicate with my new friends. They sounded so excited talking about big brother that I couldn't help but catch their excitement as well. Oh yes, that reminds me. Excitement was not the only thing I caught; I must return this little ball as soon as possible. It's slightly squishy. . .I wonder what it may be?

As we traveled I came to understand that the lead guide's name was Gnngragh. Gnngragh appeared to be very concerned about escorting me to the main camp as quickly as possible, but as we traveled I was able to piece together the story behind the Area. While we talked, I came to understand the deep pain in Gnngragh's past. Gnngragh had been living peaceably with the other Zombonese in a small, secluded area in the woods when they were suddenly beset by invading Campers. The Campers, unfamiliar with the ways of the Zombonese, mistakenly thought they were enemies and began suppressing them. Ever since the beginning of the invasion the two groups have been at war, each side unwilling to understand the feelings of the other. Oh, I truly hope I may one day meet these Campers and show them how the Zombonese are feeling! Just close your eyes, dear Campers, and you may tell that their fingers are slippery with their tears; that their faces are sunken with hunger for friendship! I hope to meet them soon so I may share my wonderful experiences with these fascinating people!

I would ask them if horrible people would always carefully pick up my chair and carry it over difficult terrain, preventing my skin from bruising? Would horrible people be warming me with a fire that, while smelling rather strange, sounds quite lively? And my new Zombonese friends, I know you might be angry with the Campers for not understanding, but if their technology is really that much more advanced than yours and if they truly wanted you gone, wouldn't they have already done so? Oh, big brother, I hope you are not caught up in the middle of this!

--Ah, I am terribly sorry for verbalizing my internal monologue for so long! I'm not sure what came over me. Please, let's continue talking about our wishes, Gnngragh. I am so happy that you are willing to meet them half way. Now, in exchange for peace you were speaking about wanting 'good loving' time alone with the Campers?

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Tamama
Series: Keroro Gunsou
Character Age: Young. Only one in the platoon to still have his tadpole tail, as well as being played as 19 by his voice actor.

Canon: The truth is out there, and it comes as a platoon of five alien frogs intent on invading Pekopon, our Earth! The Keroro Platoon is better, faster, stronger. They're full of absurd plans to oppress us with their iron fists, so we Pekoponians had better welcome our new amphibian overlords! They have the weapons, they have the strength and the technology. . . . But they'd rather squat with a human family in the backyard or an underground base to be accessed through the fridge!!1 When there are so many Gundam models to be built or candy to be eaten, surely the invasion can be postponed til tomorrow--or maybe next month, just to be sure.

Tamama is the youngest member of the platoon with the rank of Private Second Class. Despite his military experience, Tamama prides himself in being "the cute character" in the show. He nicknames everyone, often uses baby talk and . . . has a very scary and extreme addiction for all things sugared, especially cola (the one time he's in charge, he orders that ALL the faucets in the world give out cola). When in withdrawal or, really, any time something pisses Tamama off, his raving maniac split personality will come out and you won't want to be in the way of his Tamama Impacts, the blasts of energy that he shoots from his mouth.

Aside from candy and soft drinks, Tamama's other love is Sergeant Keroro, leader of the platoon. These feelings go beyond platonic admiration for a military idol, or at least, Tamama hopes they would go further than that. Unfortunately, Keroro remains oblivious, no matter how forward the attempts.

Sample App:

Attention, Pekoponian users of the Livejournal social network! I, Private Second Class Tamama, have taken control of this laptop in the name of the Keroro Platoon. All of you hoping to hear from your friends and to welcome new campers will have no choice but to listen to this broadcast of my S.O.S. This is my flawless plan! Yay! Now to my emergency message--


Find me and take me with you! Once I rejoin the Platoon, I'll submit a request to debrief you all regarding the intel I've gathered in the meantime--I have sooooo much to tell you! See, for instance, this picture. That's me with my new camp friends! I've determined them all to be an unknown breed of the genus Gorilla, likely brought upon by artificial mutation, which makes their fur purple and their mating season persistent. Sergeant, maybe we should learn from them. This is Gruntcchi, she likes candy and female campers. And this one here wearing a Pekoponian dress is Lolitakki. And the guy with the laptop, he's the who's told me the most! Fourcchi. He knows a lot about the internet and especially our direct enemies, the overlords from Russia who rule this network.

Together with Fourcchi, I've come up with a crafty plan! The Russian overlords had a slogan, "In Soviet LJ, Pepsi buys you!" They're smart Pekoponians who know water's yucky and cola's awesome, and so to let all their slaves know they handed out free bottles and cans to every Livejournal user to give to their friends. Everyone was so grateful and thought it was such a nice idea that they gave all the cola back to them. Any way you look at it, this is success! They got their drinks back, and no one would stop talking about the Pepsi gifts to their face and even behind their back. But we'll show them we can do it better! Come the invasion, a new catchy slogan will be, "In Keronian CFUD, you buy Tamama drinks!"

Instead of giving just a few cans, there'll be cans everywhere. Under their pillows and beside their beds; a bunch in rows over the window so they have a neat view of camp. Some by the door so the campers see them when they get a visit from a friend. And finally, a pyramid of bottles blocking the potties! If everything goes according to plan, no one in camp will ever forget my name, and what's more, everyone will insist on bringing them back in armfuls to me personally!

--oopsie, what's this message here? So Pepsi and other drinks in camp . . . don't . . . have. Any. Sugar. No, that's impossible. Wait! I still--where are my reserves? What?! Gruntcchi, that pocky was mine! You'll pay big for this offense, Gruntcchi. TAMAMA IMPAAAAAACT!!!

Poll Vote!

Character: Nero
Series: Devil May Cry 4
Charater Age: 19ish

Canon: Give a kid a demonic arm and he will rip demons asunder with style, give him a demonic heritage and he'll get the girl, save the world, and trash talk the villains all the while. That is pretty much the moral of DMC in general, and introducing a new hero didn't change it much. Born with a blue-glowy demonic arm and periodically possessed with a very, very, very angry blue-glowy demon, it's Nero's duty to tell pretty much everyone in the game to go fuck themselves while he tries to save his jesus girlfriend from being used as fuel for a doomsday weapon.

Cocky, self assured and of course young, Nero isn't very good at telling when he's in over his head, or caring. After all, there's nothing that can't be solved without sufficient amounts of violence, right? Not that he isn't still prone to being a little tight around the asshole. Mainly when it comes to icky things, like giant frogs throwing up all over his awesome coat, or certain other sons of Sparda (read: Dante) being way more amazing than him. But it's not all bad social skills and pre-occupation with killing things. Nero has one shining, redeeming feature; his girlfriend, Kyrie. Thanks to whom we learn that Nero has a fuffy, awkward, topped-by-girlfriend side, and Johnny Yong Bosch has a really awesome heartbroken scream.

Sample Post:

Smells bad, looks bad... even sounds bad-- eyech. I've heard all about Hell's untold masses and all, but if you have to send so many demons at me that I squelch just trying to get through what's left the welcoming committee, maybe you should think about trading up. One hell lord can keep up with a few hundred zombies, and then it's a little fun for me too, you see? Plus, if I don't get demon bits all over my boots, it's one less thing for me to kick you in the face for later. Everybody wins.

Not that I'm planning on leaving whoever set this place up with much of a face anyway. But I always hear it's the thought that counts.

Now, look. I've got places to go, people to see, shopping to finish. You just can't go anywhere these days without being sidetracked by one demon horde or another. Normally? I'd be happy to take you all out, one by one, and leave your crushed and dismembered corpses in my wake. I'm usually a pretty patient guy. But not only is all the demonic activity around here making my arm itch -- and whatever disease are infesting this place? That's just making my skin crawl -- but this milk just isn't going to keep, and I was looking forward to a homemade dinner tonight.

So you can probably see why this? Happening right now? It's really kind of pissing me off. I just want to get home, clean up before I catch whatever you uglies have, and enjoy some hot mac and cheese.

Now that you all understand, let's save everyone some time and make this fast and easy. Who the hell do I have to kill to get out of here? Usually it's pretty simple: just take out every demon around and the barrier goes away. But like I said, I'm in a hurry. So why don't you just send out the asshole decided to summon all of you to this pisshole; I'll cut him down to size and no one else has to end up decorating the scenery. Barrier goes away, I'll be on my way, and chances are, after a few weeks of cracking your heads open walking into each other, you'll all be dead without my help anyway.

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Raiden
Series: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Character Age: Unknown / ~20 / "still green"

Canon: A government agent of the digital age raised on Virtual Reality training, Raiden must go alone on a mission to wipe out a terrorist threat, defeat Metal Gear, and save the U.S. president. There are five lies in that sentence, and we haven't even talked about his crazy girlfriend yet!

But seriously, it's hard to be the main character of Metal Gear Solid when your codename is Raiden. Raiden is the girly, sassy new-generation replacement for the badass Solid Snake, and as such he must be punished from every meta angle. During his mission, Raiden faces many challenges his VR training didn't prepare him for: slipping on bird poo, getting peed on by guards, gropings from the president, running around naked in a very cold base, and daytime infiltration. He gets nagged at by his girlfriend every time he wants to save his game. When he bitches about being lied to - which is often - he gets told to shut the hell up and do as he's told. And when he finally DOES get in the loop, he's rewarded with a mind-and-body rape so thorough that he's a cyborg ninja by MGS4. Ouch.

Raiden's a good kid, really. By the end of that mission he's a damn good agent, his relationship with his mentor-figure Snake resembles an excited puppy trying to impress a grizzled St. Bernard, and he appreciates hiding in a good cardboard box as a stealth technique. But as he slowly learned his girlfriend, his mission leader, and the mission itself were all lies, the true purpose of MGS2 became clear: fucking with Raiden's head. And yours! And the best way to explain how THAT works would be for you to stop reading this canon section. Immediately. You heard me - this application is a failure. That's an order: Turn the computer off, right now!

Sample Post:

This is Raiden. I've arrived at the rendezvous point. Somehow. Launching me "a little off course" from the plane and saying "Oops" before cutting off transmission wasn't exactly helpful. And for the record, this place looks nothing like a terrorist camp, let alone one capable of producing Metal Gears or launching a nuclear strike. Nearly everyone here is a civilian, and they don't look like they're being held hostage at all. I guess it would've been too much trouble to tell me this could be the case.

Not that anyone is listening to this. Tchh. . . I was supposed to receive the specifics of the camp's layout upon arrival, and they warned me I might experience a little noise during transmissions. But all my codec frequencies are nothing but noise. Perfect. Timing. It's like a total dead zone, which should be impossible in this day and age.

Which means. . . I could be on to something here. Could it be the work of the Patriots? That, or this is someone's serious dirty laundry. . . failed experiments of genetic engineering doesn't even begin to cover these freaks. My position was even compromised when someone. . . saw me hiding in a cardboard box. Is this the God Mode I was warned about? It's like. . . like some kind of bad dream. I've managed to avoid getting eaten by zombies, but they never covered daytime zombie outbreaks in VR training.

However. . . I'm proceeding with the mission. The entry data logged in campfuckuvote indicates Solid Snake's presence on the premises-- no, two Snakes. Not that it helps the chances of finding him. . . Infiltration of Camp Fuck You Die's magnetic neural repulsion barrier was unsuccessful. It's confirmed that the barrier is made with currently existing technology, but further analysis is impossible. The barrier has. . . done something to the action button. Triangle is no longer an option; assigning the action button's function to the keyboard will take some time. But that's not the only way in! If I can just patch into the net and upload this encrypted "application" data file, I can rendezvous with specialized team of insiders who will double-check the data to make sure it'll pass through security. After that, it's just a matter of getting past the system, and then access to the campgrounds is secured. Delivering the package. . . now.

. . .That's. . . .strange. It's been erased? But I need to input this data at 1800 hours to gain access to the field! Was the BETA team compromised?! I don't have time to rewrite it! But the countdown's already begun. . . damn it! Come on, Raiden, what would Snake do? I have to try! I can't fail the mission--

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Natsu Dragonil
Series: Fairy Tail
Character Age: Unknown, but physically young
Canon: Fairy Tail takes place in a world where sorcerers and wizards are pretty much mainstream, with some being treated like celebrities. Most of the magic users join guilds, which are monitored by the Magic Council, and there they can take up various types of missions in exchange for rewards. Fairy Tail specifically is the name of a particularly infamous guild, known for being reckless and conducting business haphazardly. The members themselves, however, are like one big family. You mess with one of them, you mess with all of them.

Natsu was very young when he joined Fairy Tail, although his origins beyond that are mostly unknown. He was raised from a young age by a dragon named Igneel, who educated him and taught him the Dragon Slayer magic style, a form of magic that is very powerful but rare. Igneel was like a father to Natsu, but one day that all changed when Igneel suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving Natsu alone. It is not too long after this when Natsu joins the guild and earns the nickname "Salamander".

When the series starts, Natsu is accompanied by his friend Happy, a talking cat who has the magical ability to grow wings. He then befriends Lucy, a young girl who is anxious to join a guild, and the three form a team. We also see that aside from his fire abilities, he can also eat fire, as long as it's not fire that he creates through his magic. Fire is a great match for his hot temper and gung-ho attitude, and while he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, his ability to understand and adapt during battle makes him an incredible fighter. Although his most notable weakness would be that he gets motion sickness VERY easily.

Sample Post:

I'm so pumped! This mission sounds like a piece of cake; I don't know why everyone was so scared to take it. I didn't even wait around for the others-I'll probably be back before they even start wondering where I am. What's so scary about a swamp, anyway? It smells, but that's not scary... although I have smelled some scary farts. Those brain-guys back there smelled like farts, and I don't know why they wanted my brain. They weren't that scary, but I think they were possessed by demons or something, because they were moaning and hissing at me before I kicked their asses. Demons are stupid.

There was nothing about demons at all in the mission description, though. There's nothing even written on it, someone just drew a map and an octopus touching girls. And two guys kissing. Gross! Well, if there's an octopus here touching girls, then I am going to teach it a lesson about doing rude things like that. Plus, an octopus shouldn't be wasting time touching things outside the water, or else it will die because the air is made out of poison for water animals. That's why all those fish die before I eat them. I wonder why frogs don't die outside of the water? I bet there's a special type of frog magic that helps them breathe water and air. Maybe I can catch one and ask it to teach me, so I can be a Super Salamander and live in the water, too. ...No, that's stupid. Frogs never tell you anything useful.

I need to sit down and take a break. I've been walking all day and this map doesn't have any straight lines. It's nothing but a bunch of loops, and some of the loops even go back and cross through the other loops! I think I even started over at the beginning by accident. This is stupid, I hate maps! It already made me go across the lake once, which seemed like an eternity for me. I should have probably left a note or something for the owner of the boat that I borrowed, and apologize for puking in it, but the boat was filthy anyway. There was underwear lying around inside and some adult magazines; what kind of weirdo goes out on the lake to take off their underwear and read adult magazines? Or maybe it's the octopus's boat, and he uses his boat to hide his underwear collection! I hate that octopus! I'm going to smash his face when I see him! Wait, why would an octopus need a boat?

Whatever. I need to focus less on the pervert octopus and more on the map before I get lost and have to go across the lake again. I haven't seen any of these buildings at the end of the map, or a sign that says "eiP noh kcnj dwgc". Then again, I haven't seen any guys kissing around here, so maybe I'm not close enough yet. Oh, hold on, the map is upside down-"Camp Fuck You Die". That makes a little more sense! ...Wait, are they telling me to die? Is someone threatening to kill me? Whoever it is, when I find them I-oh! I see the cabins over there!

Oh, I get it! It's not a threat; that's the name of the camp!


Wait, I still don't get it.

Poll Vote!

Name: Delita Heiral
Series: Final Fantasy Tactics
Age: 17
Canon: Once upon a time, the country of Ivalice was waging a war of succession, fought by opposing dukes. Caught up in the middle of the conflict was one young nobleman by the name of Ramza Beoulve. Labeled a traitor and a heretic from both sides in his pursuit of justice, Ramza travels all over Ivalice and fights to discover the real truth behind the war, and discovers things about his country that have been hidden away for years.

Amidst it all is Ramza's childhood companion, a young knight named Delita Heiral. After being presumed dead for several years, Delita reappears as the one responsible for stirring up chaos between both sides of the war, and eventually usurps the dukes, throwing the country into disorder. He can be a backstabbing, manipulative bastard or a serious, noble fighter if the situation calls for it, though most who know his true self would likely say he's a schemer to the core. With a sharp mind and a sharper wit, Delita's willingness to do anything to achieve his end often paints him as arrogant, even heartless, but deep down inside, he wants peace and to see the fighting to end, even if his sardonic tones can be rather off-putting.

Note: While the latest release of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions has given a more accurate re-translation of the game's content, it should be noted that in the original release it was not so apparent that Delita (and other characters) spoke in a somewhat more formal manner, one befitting to a knight of the medieval ages.

Sample Post:

Were I a lesser man, I might think that I have taken leave of my senses.

Fortunately, this neither is and shall never be true, so long as I continue to breathe and walk. And I find that the air I breathe afouls my lungs with the rankness of death, and not the peacefully-buried-in-a-church-cemetery sort; 'tis not enough to deter me, however. This is hardly the most arduous trial I have faced, and it will doubtless be the last, if the growing ambush of undead is any indication. Aye, your presence has not gone unnoticed, you behind the tree and you behind the tree that is strangling that other tree. I mean you no harm, understand -- I would move quickly through this wood without incident, if possible. Should you find it necessary to stand between me and my destination, I am afraid that you shall become very closely acquainted with the tip of my sword. However, should you graciously allow me to pass, I promise you mercy. I swear it, on my honor.

... Perhaps I should have known that would not work. To expect wraiths and hags of these sort to know the meaning of honor gives too much credit to the god that created them. Or perhaps too little. 'Tis no matter; a small delay will hardly keep me from leaving these lands and returning to my company. I say this, and yet the layout of the place intrigues me. What madman is responsible for fashioning this swamp in such an intricate manner, I must wonder? It be no natural force that has created the beast in the lake or the strangling trees, that much is certain. I am sure many a lowlife in my country would kill to possess the ability to perverse and control such things, if it would raise their chances of victory. And it is to that I am content with leaving it be, as naught but destruction would come of it. Ivalice needs no more blood than what she must contend with, yet it would be errant of me to not admit that such violence would be almost becoming in this swampland. I can picture it all too easily in my mind's eye.

--Ah, but how rude of me, to ignore my own ambushers. Pray, please overlook such disrespect. I mean not to insult your power. On the contrary, I would think it rather an impressive feat to master, and send my compliments to your madman. I would request an audience with him, but I am quite happy with my person remaining unharmed and my clothes in one piece. I am sure you are rather put out, and for that, I send my deepest apologies.

... I see my rhetoric is unfortunately not lost upon you. And here I had hopes for exercising my proficiency at sarcasm to further perfect it, but it seems I shall never achieve my dream of becoming a court jester. Perhaps my humor is simply not welcome in these parts. However, if it is my skill with a blade you desire to observe instead, (as the advancement of your troupe and their rotting stench cause me to believe) I accept. I do hope your battle skills are as barbaric as I have imagined them to be. Pray you do not disappoint.

Poll Vote!

Character: River Tam.
Series: Firefly
Character Age: 17.
Canon: It's 2517 and Earth's been shitcanned for
space exploration. River Tam is a bright, athletic girl from the
wealthy Inner Planets Alliance who was accepted into a prestigious
academy. Unfortunately, her scholarship included Deadly Government
Assassin Training 101, the cafeteria menu was roofies, and a
not-quite-lobotomy removed her emotional 'filters' and gave her a
psychic insight into the world. The side-effect was a bad case of
batshit insane. When her brother, Simon, realized something was wrong,
he used all his money and ninja skillz to jailbreak her. They end up
on the spaceship Serenity, befriending and endangering the motley crew
who turn a profit doing the new solar system's odd jobs.

A whole bunch of gunfights and a feature film later, River is finally
adjusting to life outside the Academy. Finding a place on Serenity
seems important to her, as does helping her brother regain some
semblance of the life he lost for her. Beneath the Aspergers-level
intelligence, schizophrenic babble, and I Can Kill You With My Brain
is still a teenage girl who has missed a whole lot of life's
opportunities and who knows she will never be 'normal'.

Notes: Like everyone in her 'verse, River speaks Mandarin Chinese; the
line here is a curse lifted from her dialogue.

Sample Post:

Walk, don't run. Pretend like they can't see you, maybe then you won't
feel them aching for home, mixing up in your own ache, like the spaces
between the stars. They sent me away again, but I'm too old for Clue.

Old enough that I don't need to hold your hand, Simon. Have to get by
without you. Have to keep the ship flying. Don't let them see the
tears, rotting liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun
ur-tze. Faces half off and pretending to smile, shambling around.
They've been here too long. I'd be better off with zombies. No taste
in a damaged brain. I don't have a flavor.

This Camp is a statistical improbability, you know; a thousand by nine
and you can't go higher. I keep trying to find the right theory… tried
Bose-Einstein, you can touch but you can't overlap. Not a fair rule.
Packed my ballet shoes and they've forbidden dancing; too scared of
the truth in swaying hips. I can feel … the combustion here. Pent up.
Needs fuel. We could sell the toys, I've learned to make a profit. Put
this camp on the map. Lambda and phi; or was it extreme and mean? It's
a comfort, helps if she sings herself to sleep, digit by digit. One
point six one eight zero three three nine-

More bits and bile. Came up with the numbers. Like the snake and the
apple, it's a physical symptom. I'm just allergic to calamari.
Shouldn't stay near the lake too long, but it's the only place I can
be singular. Too close and it all gets packed in tight, everything
happening at the same time and everything gets confused, hard to say
what's inside and what's out, it's not fair, there's enough
overcrowding as it is.

Look in your eyes, same as they used to get when I'd walk in on them
laughing. Don't ask me my name, too many people here have heard it
already. Besides, it's easy to deduce. Mightn't be safe for a young
girl here but I don't know what I am anymore. A weapon, maybe, or a

You can rig the dice but it doesn't matter. In the end, it's just a
game - and you'll lose it.

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