The website has been using an automated script to harvest fan fiction from
Tumblr, &
Wattpad without any author's permission, including mine. (And those were some of my crappiest stories LOL.)
Ebooks-Tree is also hosting commercial ebooks and making them available for free, which is obviously illegal. I've seen Margaret Atwood's books as well as some Stargate Fandemonium titles there, too. Heck, they've even got
the novelization of the 1994 Stargate movie, copyrighted heavily by MGM, Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich.
Download links lead to
various shady sites which may have spyware or malware on them. BEWARE. Authors whose works are hosted at Ebooks Tree have no editorial control over their works, let alone any compensation for commercial works.
Steps to take if you have stories published on AO3, Tumblr or Wattpad:
- Search their site for your author name
- Copy-paste the template found in the post from this link
- Insert your information into the template
- Submit it to their form
Please spread the word!
Was your fanfic copied from AO3, Wattpad or tumblr & posted on ebooks-tree without your permission? How to get it off - heidi heidi8 (@travelingheidi)
April 13, 2015 Many thanks to AO3 for their quick attention to this matter.
We've taken measures to make it more difficult for Ebooks Tree to offer downloads of AO3 works. Users should not notice any changes. - AO3 Status (@AO3_Status)
April 13, 2015 crossposted/edited from an entry I made for SJMA Updates about the hosting server for Ebooks Tree piracy
here Cross-posted on Dreamwidth |
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