Not exactly a review, I'm so sorry... somehow I got lazy... please forgive me ;_;
But anyway... here are some of my favourite scenes from the last few episodes!!
516 - Dark Side of the Moon
Dean and Sam get killed by some other hunters who know about their role in the Apocalypse and go to heaven. They experience their favourite moments in life again - in Dean's Heaven everything is about family, while in Sam's heaven all the good memories consist of the times, he'd been on his own. Castiel sends them a message, that while they are at heaven, they should search for Joshua, the only one who is said to be able to talk to God. Along the way, the boys meet some of their dear friends again: Pamela and Ash. When they finally find the Garden and Joshua, he tells them, that God knows about everything that's happening - but just doesn't think it's his problem anymore.
While Sam is energetic and full of hope, Dean and Castiel are faithless and tired...
Wee!Sam: "Dad would never let us do anything like this... thanks Dean... this is great!"
Dean: "I'm dead..."
Cas: "Condolences."
Cas: "You son of a bitch... I believed... in..."
517 - 99 Problems
The boys meet the habitants of a small city who all know about the Apocalypse. The daughter of the local priest seems to be another prophet and can talk to the Angels. Along the way the Winchesters discover that she is actually "The whore of Babylon", a false prophet whose only goal is to kill all the townspeople wrongly in the name of God. With help from Castiel and the priest, they manage to kill the whore. In the end Dean leaves his brother and Cas at their Motel while he drives to the house of his former girlfriend Lisa and her son Ben. He tells her, that if he had a choice he would come and live with them. That he's going to do something big and that he will make arrangements for Lisa and Ben. Before she can hold him back, Dean drives off again...
Dean: "And the enochian exorcism?"
Cas: "Fake... it actually means 'You breed with the mouth of a goat'........... it's funnier in enochian........"
- - -
Dean: "I get it... I know how you feel..."
Cas: "How do you manage it?"
Dean: On a good day you get to kill a whore..."
518 - Point of no Return
Dean has given up hope. He has left his brother and his friend and he's ready to give himself over to Michael. He packs up his belongings, the leather jacket his Dad gave him, they keys to his beloves Impala and a farewell letter... but Sam and Cas manage to track him down, before he can do something stupid. Back at Bobby's Dean still refuses to believe that there is another way. They lock him down in Bobby's panic room. Meanwhile Cas gets attacked by some other Angels and finally finds an old friend who was risen from the dead - Adam, the third Winchester brother. Soon they find out that Zachariah and Co resurrected Adam to take Dean's place, because he's got the same bloodline as Dean. Of course Dean is now more determined to say 'Yes' than ever. Dean manages to escape the panic room but just before he is able to call Michael, Castiel tracks him down and beats the crap out of him for giving up, after Cas died and killed his own family for him. In the end Zachariah kidnaps Adam and brings him to the Green Room. The Winchesters find out that it's all been a trap to get Dean to the Green Room to say 'Yes'. Castiel performs a bloodspell to ban all the Angels who are guarding the Green Room. Zachariah tortures Sam and Adam and Dean is at the verge of tears and willing to say yes - but in the last second he pulls out Castiel's blade and kills Zachariah. He and Sam manage to escape the Green Room but Adam get's trapped inside.
When they are back in the Impala, Dean tells Sam that they don't give up. That they will screw destiny and stop the Apocalypse (HELL YEAH!!!!)
Sam: "What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just... walk out? How could you do that?!"
Dean: "How could I?!" All you've EVER done is run away!"
Sam: "And I was WRONG!! Every single time I did!"
Cas: "Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them..."
Dean: "You know what? Blow me, Cas!!"
Dean: "Oh Cas, not for nothing... but last person who looked at me like that... I got laid...."
Cas: "I rebelled for THIS?? So that you can surrender to them??"
Dean: "Cas... please..."
Cas: "I gave EVERYTHING for you... and THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE TO ME??"
- - -
Sam: "The hell happened to him?"
Cas: "... me..."
Dean: "Whoa, wait you're gonna take on five Angels? Isn't that suicide?
Cas: "Maybe it is. But then I won't have to watch you fail. I'm sorry, Dean. I don't have the same faith in you that Sam does."
Dean: "So screw destiny... right in the face!! I say we take the fight to them, do it our way!
Sam: "Sounds good..."