Title: I Can't Think of a Good One
Character(s): Lester, Stephen Hart, Capt Ryan
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Fifi's birthday drabble! A sequel to the two drabbles
Changes & FarewellDisclaimer: Not mine, never mine, don't sue.
Three months and far too many anomalies later, James is still adapting to Tom not being around. He doesn't know why it's so hard. Their time together could probably be measured in days, but Tom Ryan had slipped into his life so easily that it seemed as though they'd been together for years. But they hadn't, of course, hadn't even had that chance. James can't help but think of this with every anomaly he sees. This one isn't any different. Except that it is, and Hart walks back through the anomaly, a familiar face following behind. Tom Ryan is alive.
(Edit: Splitting the post in two.)