LAN party, July 11, 2009

Jun 23, 2009 09:24

I'm pleased to announce the particulars of the upcoming
"computer assisted social gathering" (ie. a LAN party!).

Any and all discussion can be added as comments to this thread.

(1) schedule
- feel free to come for as much or as little as you want. some
people come for a few hours, others for a few days. the event
is highly flexible!

- setup evening of Friday 10 July, with "testing" late into the evening
- play all day Saturday 11 July, gaming late into the evening

- I'd also like to squeeze in 2 minutes for the annual general meeting
of the Edmonton LAN Gamers' Guild. But I doubt it will actually

(2) games
I know that many of you are firmly addicted to "World of Warcrack".
For those who don't know what that is, there exists a 10 day trial,
if you want to give it a try. For those who play it every day,
I am hoping that perhaps we can play some of the other multiplayer
games that work well with lots of people, since not everyone will
have level 70 (80?) characters.

I still really like Natural Selection, so maybe some of this.
It's great with lots of people, and a *time limit*. On a similar
vein, Team Fortress Classic TWO is awesome.

I believe there is a Starcraft/Broodwar grudge match brewing.
We might also play some team starcraft, pairing n00bs with experts,
so we don't all get nuked by James/Josh/Richard/ etc.

Perhaps some Far Cry and Serious Sam too. And Homeworld 2, just to
get the house nice and toasty using our video cards.

Other suggestions?
If you know a game that plays well in multiplayer mode, and hopefully
doesn't cost a bundle, now is the time to reply. Add you comments to
this thread.

(3) food

TBD. BBQ, BYOM format. I will have salads, buns, etc.

For Saturday/Sunday breakfast, taters, pancakes/waffles, bacon, eggs,
to get the day off to a good start, for those who show up early.

Lunches: there's a number of fast food/sandwich places around,
like subway, McDs, BPs, sobeys, etc. within 10 minutes drive.

Snacks: feel free to bring either personal and/or communal
munchies. Coke will be plentiful in the fridge. My religion
forbids me to say the P word, so if you need it, you'll have
to supply your own. I'll probably have some A&W Rootbeer too.
As for coffee, please refer to the lines from Pulp Fiction.
Again, please bring whatever you'd like. Which brings us to:

CH3CH2OH: if you need it, or just want it, you'll have to supply
your own. there's a "liquor barn" or something like that near by.

I might be convinced to make another napalm grasshopper pie.
Or convinced not to, depending on what side of the fence you
come from.

(4) computer check list

the most important things to bring to a LAN party. I do have
spares for those who don't print off the checklist....
(the capitalised items are the most frequently forgotten).

system unit + power cord, LCD monitor + power cord, video cable,
DVI to VGA adapter, keyboard, mouse, MOUSE PAD, HEADPHONES + MIC,
speakers + power adapter, POWER BAR, NETWORK CABLE, PLAY DISKS.
hint: backup before you come. just in case.

I will have gigabit switch hardware and tables setup already.
and power bars into which you may plug your power bar if you are
not near a convenient outlet. this avoids the "power bar chain"
that always seems to happen when someone wants to leave, and
their powerbar is the "root hub" for 4 others....

(5) friends

With a little planning, the house holds a surprising large number
of gamers. So if I'ved missed anyone that I should have notified,
or you want to invite a friend, please just contact me as per (6)

(6) rsvp

Please do! Mostly so I know how much space to clean!

(7) address

contact me by a secure medium if you think you need it.
contact me by a secure medium for a phone number, if you think you don't.

please ask for directions if you need them.
if you have not been to my place before, then know that this means
you ;-)

(8) questions?

anything else you want to know? please feel free to email me or
to phone at the above number. or post a comment below.

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