T-Rex scored his first goal at soccer last night, which happened to be the last game of the season.
Their team kind of won, 4-3. The ball rolled into the opposition net, but rather than calling it a goal, the ref signalled time up instead. I think that annoyed the adults more than the kids!
Well, Barclays bank has changed the rules once again on their accounts. Now they want a ₤10000 minimum balance. What madness! So, after nearly 20 years, I am forced to close all my euro and sterling accounts, which sucks
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don't know what it was, but the WoW server Malfurion seemed rather shaky last night.
in the end, it took 5 hours to get to the 3rd boss (viper what's his name, the guy with the void walkers) in Shadow Labs, after dozens of wipes, a number of those from DCs. I myself was DC'd 9 times! in the end, it cost me 18g worth of repairs! lol.
Just got my dividend from Vivendi SA of $249.29. Less the non resident tax of $62.32 = $186.97, Less 12 months of WoW subscription of 12 x $14.99 = $179.88 Leaving just $7.09, which probably covers my electric bill for playing it. ;-)