The Cure for the Common Cold

Dec 01, 2007 22:06

It's official... I've found the cure for the cold.  I'm not talking getting rid of your runny nose or stopping your sneezing... I'm talking completely gone here.  It's a miracle, I know.  I've heard the saying "a cold last a week if you don't take medicine and 7 days if you do", but guess what... it doesn't have to be that way.

I started coming down with a cold on Thursday.  You know, started sneezing a bit, my nose was a little plugged up... you know, the beginnings of a cold.  Yesterday, Friday, I sneezed some more, blew my nose about 15 times, no big deal.  Then this morning, I woke up and it was gone.  No sneezing, runny or stuffed nose.  Perfect.

I bet you want to know what I did, don't you.  Since it is cold and flu season.  And I bet this would work for the flu too.  I made this cold/flu tea.  It boosts your immune system so instead of just supressing the symptoms it actually made my immune system work better and do it's job and fight my cold.  I tried three different formulas.

Tea #1: Garlic Tea
- chop up 2 cloves of garlic in a tea cup
- add boiling water
- allow water to cool until it is drinkable
- drink garlic tea
- spoon out garlic at the bottom and eat

This is amazing for your immune system.  I had 1 or 2 cups of this for 3 days.   1 the first day my cold started coming on, 2 the day of the most mild cold I've ever had in my life, and then  1 today for good  measure.  Worked like a fucking charm.  Garlic boosts your immune system so your body can fight the cold AND it lowers your blood sugar so your body isn't acidic anymore, which is the PERFECT climate for colds to thrive.  Non-acidic body + high immunity = no cold.

Tea #2: Lemon, ginger and honey
-chop up ginger and put in a cup of boiling water- allow to steep for about 10 minutes
- strain out ginger pieces and pour water into another cup
- add a couple squirts of lemon juice
- add a bit of honey
- drink the tea

This has a really good taste.  Lemon and honey help alkalize your body- make it not acidic.  And ginger is good for the digestive system and helps your immune system.  I tried one cup of this the first day of my cold, but I like to stay away from sugar as much as possible, so I didn't like having so much in the honey.  But it tastes good.

Tea #3: Lemon, ginger and garlic
- fix the ginger the same way as in tea #2
- chop up garlic and add to the ginger water
- add a few sqirts of lemon juice
- drink the tea
- eat the garlic at the bottom of the cup

This one is a combination of teas 1 and 2.  I made this one today.  It was my good measure tea.  It tasted really good, especially if you don't like the taste of garlic, the ginger carries it over until you get down to the bottom where you eat the garlic.

Anyway, I highly recommend these the next time you have a cold or the flu or are sick with anything else.  The beauty about it is that they're tonics so they don't work on ONLY one thing.  They just boost your immune system and your body takes over.  I really love garlic.  I think it's a miracle food.  It's so good for you... especially your immune system.  I used a clove of garlic once to treat a yeast infection and it was completely gone in one day.  It's amazing.  And it only cost me a couple of cents compared to all they charge for drugs these days.  It's crazy.  I think the drug companies don't want us to know about these natural remedies because they are so effective, don't have any side effects and don't cost nearly as much.  If everybody did them, they wouldn't have anything to sell us.

The only down-side about eating so much garlic is that other people might not like the way your breath smells.  Though it was quite fun to breathe on Greg for the past three days!!!

Anyway... try it next time you have a cold and let me know how it worked for you.

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