Bill was a man of his word. This applied particularly when it came to such vitally important things as food, being nice to pregnant ladies, and bringing food to pregnant ladies for purposes of being nice. As such,
as promised, he was on his way back to Tina's rooms within a couple of days, proffering a bagful of Vulcan pudding in a variety of flavours, so she could see whether she had a favourite.
Pregnant ladies liked to have options.
It was hot out, as it had been every day since they arrived on-planet, but he was growing used to this, and had quickly learned never to venture outside without sunscreen and appropriate summer clothing. These concessions made, then, he was quite content as he strolled past the shops and street vendors on his way to Tina's rooms. He watched the salesmen as he walked, swinging the shopping bag slightly in one hand, wondering where they had all come from. An Andorian, there, selling what looked like abacuses, although he was surely mistaken. A little further along, a Vulcan selling what looked like roasted chestnuts, despite the heat. Beyond him, a blue-haired humanoid, whose origins Bill could not begin to guess at, was selling bottles of some brightly-coloured liquid from a stand.
...hmm. Pregnant ladies did like to have options.
The humanoid, Bill discovered, was not especially well-versed in Standard. However, he seemed to indicate that the drinks - which came in an assortment of thrilling rainbow colours - were not - at least, in human terms - alcoholic. Besides which, they certainly looked like soft drinks, and - well - if they did turn out to have alcohol content, he was sure this would be evident after a couple of sips. And he doubted that Tina's baby would be born with three heads from an accidental couple of sips of some kind of alien alcopop.
Rainbow. colours.
His mind was made up. He bought a bottle of every colour the vendor had available, and tucked them into his bag. The vendor seemed duly gratified. Bill shrugged, and went on his way, arriving at Tina's door with the bag now bulging in a way that suggested imminent collapse.
Hopefully, she would be home. He didn't give much for his chances of getting all his purchases home again without incident. He sounded the buzzer.
[ooc: as of this post, folks, ~*sex pollen*~ - or rather, *~sex pop*~ is a-go-go, if you want to play with it. Remember it's transmitted Naked Time-wise, by contact, so your character doesn't need to drink any of this stuff to get infected, s/he just needs to touch someone who has (or has touched someone who has, etc...) Or you could pick up some bottles from ye handy vendor yourself.
Oh - and, yes, it is supposed to start same day as the trial.]