Uhh... Mark requested that I write more here for him to read at work, but shit if it isn't 6.30 and my brain is addled with the last four hours of an X-Files marathon (which I've never really seen before... it kind of r0x0rs). I think I fail. BUT! Jayne was on X-Files! Seriously! And Seth Green! It was eerie
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Comments 7
And sure you don't what to kill people, but doesn't it get fuzzy around kneecaps? :)
Seriously though, I have had real thoughts about the same line of careers. A major bad factor is my inability to see well. Ever. I believe that the last FBI field agent information I saw said that 20/20 vision is a must (I think allowing corrective lenses). Plus I'm nightblind, so really my only other alternative would be to be an FBI nerd, I mean technical specialist. The semi-boring type of stuff. Except I'd still get the uber training. I actually work with a girl at school who is going into the FBI as a linguist, which is also coolness.
Funny you mention Political Officer Martin, I was watching Hunt for the Red October last night, where Sean Connery kills the political officer. It was great.
Commando Kenneth is a funny thought...as well as you dressed in some of Jennifer Gardner's costumes from "Alias."
If you ever have to dress like a Russian female prostitute in a red leather bustier, be sure to get a picture.
2. I'd be all over being a colonist like white on snow, as long as I was relatively certain the technology was safe. For instant if it was Wal-Martopolis on Mars, I'd tell them to fuck off, because I know they'd skimp on materials and we'd all die of oxygen deprevation our first week out. But if real care was put into it, then fuck yes. That's what it's about, you know? As Stephen Weinburg once said, "The effort to understand the universe is one of few things that raise human life a little above the level of farce and give it some of the grace of tragedy."
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