Title: Advanced Genealogy (chapter 2/4)
Author: Canadianiana
Spoilers: I don't think there's any, but we'll say up to the hiatus just to be sure.
Ratings/warnings: PG-13? A bit of swearing, nothing scandalous.
Summary: From a ficcy Friday prompt from tilie12, in which Jeff's mother shows up at Greendale unannounced, expecting to meet the girlfriend
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Comments 35
The picture you're painting with the domesticity that comes naturally between these two is wonderful - almost as if everyone (including the readers) are in clued into the fact this isn't just a ruse for Jeff's mom, but is how it should actually be with them.
I do think that the Summer after first year at Greendale will come back to play at some point, I do hope I'm right!
Another great chapter x
But the clincher for me was the Zoolander reference. Just the other day I was driving downtown and everything is set up as a maze of one way streets. I made a joke that the city planner must not be an ambi-turner and then had to explain why I thought my own statement was so hilarious because I was the only one laughing. To explain the reason why things like "Orange-Mocha Frappacino", "break-dance fighting", or "eugoogaly" make me laugh is very difficult unless you've seen that movie. For that, I thank you. I now know I'm not the only one.
Anyway, this is one of my favorite stories so far and we haven't even gotten to the dinner with Jeff's Mom. I can't wait.
Again, I always draw my from own life, and my BF and I are absolutely TERRIBLE with constantly quoting lines from movies and TV shows. We could probably communicate using only scripted sentences. But it also bothers me when I'm out of the loop, so I feel bad about making these references if other people won't understand! Hence, my warning in the author's note. :P
Dinner is chapter 3... should be up soon. :)
More is on the way! But I'm a little worried I won't be able to keep my updating pace up for the last chapter. Chapter 3 should be tomorrow, but chapter 4 might not be the day after. :(
Great word play for the second chap in a row too, after the loaded comment of Jeff thinking he was dragging Annie down with him in chap 1, and then Annie saying she was the one holding Jeff up in chap 2. If anyone deserved to know how right she was...
Same time tomorrow morning?
I hope you like where I'm going in the next chapter! Should be up tomorrow morning. :)
There will be more from me... oh, yes, there will be more... :D
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