This is a rant. Consider yourself warned.
I really hate whining. Any time someone is complaining, but really doesn't want to work to get the problem solved, I consider that whining.
Today was a flashback to a lot of the whining I've seen in the workplace. Oftentimes it comes from the same people every time. T-Mobile is feeding us during training, until they finish building the break room and can provide us refrigerators. I think that's great. Now, the food they are providing is a little odd at times (spinach wraps, chicken salad, etc.), but there's always a few choices, and it's something different every day. And yet, today, I was treated to a bunch of people complaining about the food, saying that it's weird. Specifically, "Why can't they just order some KFC?". Um...HELLO! IT'S FREE! Worse than that, about 10 people in my class complained about it to eachother, and each one escalated the whining. None of them actually tried to address the issue, they just bounced it back and forth until it sounded like a major issue! Seems a bit stupid to me to complain about free food, when your only complaint is that it's unusual!
The other thing that bothers me is that this kind of whining has been continuously coming up, in this job and my previous one, from a particular color and caste...Now, I don't consider myself racist, but I am race-aware, and when you act like a stereotype, it's your own fault. The blacks at this job are loud and obnoxious, confrontational, and they whine an awful lot for being treated so well by this company. They're an insult to the good black people in my life. They actually lend credibility to prejudice by color, and that's shameful.
They complain that they don't get free phones, they complain that it takes a few paychecks for direct deposit to get set up, they complain that our computer logins aren't ready yet, they even complain about the FREE FOOD. Grrrrrrr. They're acting like children! Now, this isn't discrimination, this is observation. I don't care if you're used to having things paid for by someone else, or having people cave when you pull the race card. Some of us work for a living. Don't pollute the workplace by complaining about a job that treats its employees extremely well for the positions they hold. If you don't like the free lunch, go buy your own damn food. Stop playing the victim and take some friggin' responsibility.
Oh, and we have this one lady in the class, she drives me batty. She pays little attention in class, instead surfing the web or shopping for phones. When the teacher calls on her to read something or answer a question, it's always "Huh? What was the question?". Not only that, she's often doing things that make her computer make noise, impacting everyone's classroom experience. That really steams me. Fish or cut bait, woman. I know the material's boring...for all of us. But we're going to have to deal with the accounts that you FUBAR because you didn't bother to pay attention.
Okay...I'm done for now.