Inappropriate Behaviour-

Aug 23, 2006 13:05

I'm drifiting further and further from Robyn who, in case you have no background, has been a very near and dear friend of mine for about 8 years now. As of recent her childish behavior is becoming a bit of a drag ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

onethirtyeight August 23 2006, 20:17:15 UTC
damn that sux about her. sorry to hear that. looks like my little amber is all grown up now :]

we miss you tons....we want to come up there sometime and visit. just need to get a little more money together. things have been a little tight. esp since some drunk mexicans wrecked the jeep!


cancercore August 24 2006, 20:30:46 UTC
Aw- I miss you guys too. I've had issues with money as well, but I promise to come visit you ASAP!


childings August 23 2006, 20:48:08 UTC
1) I think there's something psychologically wrong with her.
2) Who is taking care of her kid? (Didn't she have a little boy like three or four years ago?)


cancercore August 24 2006, 20:36:47 UTC
Her Mom is taking care of her kid. Well, her mother has custody b/c unlike Robyn she has a healthy job with benefits and a steady schedule.
It blows my mind. I used to think it was okay, but she now lives with a mutual friend, Meredith, who has a 4 year old son that just started Kindergarten and she maintains perfectly well. In fact she just got a job and is about to get an apartment of her own. She takes him to school on time and manages to occassionally get a babysitter so she can have an outting with friends. It's not easy, but it's possible. Robyn just never caught the train to grownup town.


elevatorboy13 August 24 2006, 17:21:26 UTC
Sounds to me like ol' girl needs an ass kicking.


Smitten Kitten elfire August 26 2006, 03:04:54 UTC
So kitten, you seem smitten, but absolutely no amount of what you've written explains exactly why you're smitten. I'm probably missing it, I've got a mint chocolate mudslide sitting next to me and it happens to have been my 5th tonight ( ... )


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