Five Things I Love Meme

Feb 02, 2011 09:41

Took this one off of karaokegal

Leave a comment describing your favorite thing so far about 2011, and I will give you five words I associate with you. Then post about what they mean to you, along with this blurb, at your own journal. Step three: Profit.

And she gave me:

Boston, Twitter, John Simm, Inception, Smut

1. Boston: It will always be home to me. I lived in Boston until I was four, moved to Revere for a few years and then when my parents got divorced it was back to Boston, Dorchester, specifically. I lived there until I was about 16, and then my mom got remarried...again, and we moved to Hull (which I hated then and still hold NO lov for now.) I still went to school in Boston, though, for as long as I could, and even now, I drift towards it whenever I'm looking for something to do. I love the city, it can be beautiful at times, it's dense and full of so much life, so many different things and people and the sense of pride that comes from Bostonians, about...everything, is just so easy to get wrapped up in. I'll always love it.

2. Twitter: Haha, I loved it at first, then I hated it, now I'm sort of neutral and don't use it near as much as I used to. I mostly find it a pain in the ass, other than to talk to a handful of people throughout the day. For that reason, it's quite useful, and when I'm in a fandom mood, which is not very much lately, it's fun. I find it good for news too, as odd as that is. Most of the big things that have gone on in the last few years, I've initially found out through twitter.

3. John Simm: Such an amazing actor, underrated IMO. He's attractive without being typical, with a sort of crazy charisma and an ability to generate undeniable chemistry with at least two other amazing actors (Phil Glenister and David Tennant, of course!) Also, it's my love for him that brought me to so many of YOU!

4. Inception: My favorite movie I've seen in years, not to mention one of the best. I loved the story, the details, the music, the actors (holy FUCK the actors!)...Christopher Nolan is brilliant, at least in my opinion. And the fic that has come from this movie? Crazy good. Best I've seen in any fandom, including Life on Mars, and that's saying something. I don't participate much in the fandom (or any fandom, really), but the amount and quality of the fic (mainly Arthur/Eames) is nothing short of brilliant.

5. Smut: Smut. SMUT. I do love my smut. I don't feel much compelled to write straight up smut these days, not like I used to, and I am pickier about reading it now, but when it's good, it's SO FUCKING GOOD. (And my love for smut has also brought me to so many of YOU!!)

smutty smut, fandom slut, are memes the meaning of life?, i love that dirty water, john simm is gorgeous isn't he?

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