Title: The Realm of You
Part: 2/?
Genre: Big Time Rush - Drama / Angst
Pairings: Logan/Kendall, Kendall/Jo
Details: AU, Slash
Rating: MA/NC17
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content in later parts
Post Word Count: 726
Status: WIP
Summary: From friendship, to love, to something else entirely. When secrets are all they have, what is left when their lives become an open book? "I have no life but this."
Masterlist Kendall's passion can be scary at times.
Logan watches him as he leaps onto the table in front of Gustavo Rocque, plastic cups of water and coffee splashing everywhere. The movement of Kendall's hands, the way he bends his knees are almost violent. His face is contorted with rage.
Heart beating faster, Logan cannot take his eyes off Kendall's mouth. He sings in a fury, but the sound is still beautiful, even more so, with the anger fueling it.
Kendall will not stand for the mistreatment of his friends. Logan is thrilled he can be counted amongst them.
Later, when Gustavo makes an offer to Kendall, Logan is fearful. Yes, he will try to convince his friend to go, but what about that time they...
Logan decides it was nothing - nothing that should keep Kendall from fame he deserves. Out of the four of them - James, Carlos, Kendall, Logan - he is the one who would handle it best. Kendall is the one everyone should be looking at.
Boy Number One, the boy from across the street and to the left, hasn't been able to stop looking at Kendall since they were eight years old.
They speak to one another privately, Logan pulling Kendall outside into the snow.
"Why would you say no?" Logan inquires. Kendall's lips thin out to a straight line for a moment before he laughs.
"Why would I say yes? I want to play hockey. If I'm going to be famous it'll be for that," Kendall replies.
"How many people get to be famous for anything?" Logan can't fathom Kendall's decision. "Think of how many people would adore you, the girls throwing themselves at your feet..."
"I don't really care for girls throwing themselves at me." Kendall quirks an eyebrow, a knowing look passing between the two boys. "As far as adoration? I'd much rather have my friends."
Logan's face grows hot. He looks at his feet, but only for a moment. "You'll still have your friends," he responds.
"What good are friends a thousand miles away?" Kendall asks. The expression on his face has smoothed and his voice has gone serious. Logan glances away again.
"Friends are still friends," he mumbles, suddenly finding the lace of his right shoe interesting.
"What about me and you?" Kendall whispers, so close Logan can feel warmth surrounding him like an familiar embrace.
Logan clears his throat. "What about us?"
Kendall urges Logan to look at him by lifting the brunette's chin. A flare of want rises in both at the touch, a burst of static in the air. Logan meets Kendall's eyes; he's surprised when he sees his own want mirrored there. What is this?Logan tries to ask but can't.
"How could I ever sing without you?" Kendall breathes, the words fanning across Logan's face and into his ears. Logan watches as Kendall's pupils dilate, his lips part, the tip of a pink tongue peeking between them.
Boy Number One remembers the flavor of Kendall's mouth, from before, all pink lemonade and peppermints and something else.
Logan's heart is pounding, pounding, pounding now, as though it tries to beat out a rhythm to orchestrate an almost kiss. In real life, there is no soundtrack, only the bam, bam, bam of a heart, the absence of any sound other than snow, muffling everything else. Logan thinks, in the loaded silence, he can almost hear the flakes hitting the ground.
Until Kendall leans in and Logan swears he can hear the blond boy's heart syncing in with his, two underlying staccato beats, adding percussion they could easily move to.
The two come so close together that when Kendall breathes out, Logan breathes him in. Logan can practically feel the snow liquefying around him, his lips already tingling with the promise of Kendall's mouth against his. He closes his eyes.
A door opens, a burst of golden light against the hard packed snow.
"Aren't you guys freezing?" Carlos says, pouncing them both as all three tumble to the ground. James comes outside and joins in. They all laugh and a wrestling match ensues.
Only when Kendall catches Logan's eye does the laughter fade. The feelings charging the air turn to something else, something everyone else seems oblivious to.
Yes, Kendall's passion can be scary at times, but Logan has always enjoyed the thrill of fear.
Part 1 Part 3