Posted for the
numb3rs100 prompt: Found...
Title: Straight Shooter
Pairing/Characters: Nikki
Rating: R (adult language)
Word Count: 200
Summary: Nikki Betancourt never was one for bullshit.
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: I had one of those weeks at work, and thought "what would Nikki do?" Apparently Nikki would give me a drabble for the first time in 6 months. Not my best effort, but it was good to write some Numb3rs fic after a long drought. As always, many thanks to
julietm for the enthusiasm and the beta. ♥
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.
Nikki Betancourt never was one for bullshit. That was the reason she decided against practicing law after she graduated. She’d seen too many cases won because a lawyer ass-kissed a judge. She simply didn’t have time for that nonsense.
So it was a surprise to everyone, including herself, when she decided to attend Quantico. Working for the government was 95% political manipulation, and 5% elbow grease. At least that’s what she thought until she ended up on the team of Agent Eppes. Her new boss had even less tolerance for bullshit than she did. He was 50% hard work and 50% thinking outside the box.
Working with math geniuses was her first clue that Don did things differently. Standing by as he essentially told his director to kiss his ass was another. He played by a different rule book while managing to stay within the confines of the job. He demanded more from his team, and that team was damned good at the job with one of the highest case closure rates on the West Coast.
On this team, Nikki found a perfect fit. She found friendship, love, herself. She found all she ever needed, and that was no bullshit.