Originally posted 01.04.08 for the
numb3rs100 prompt: Candy...
Title: Delicious
Characters/Pairings: Colby, David, Megan
Rating: PG (language)
Word Count: 100
Summary: She'd kick his ass if she ever caught him...
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: none
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.
He didn’t have a sweet tooth. That wasn’t the point. He just liked to see the look on her face when she saw someone had taken chocolate from her secret stash.
Stealthily, he opened the drawer to her desk… expertly removing one of her favorites. She’d kick his ass if she ever caught him.
But that was part of the thrill…
David accused him of looking like a kid in a candy store when he snuck the contraband into his desk.
Later, he’d make a switch. Colby’s desk for David’s. All the evidence would point to his partner.
How delicious. [
original post]