Hopefully the Brits on my journal can give me a clue as to who this guy is but he makes some very amusing and solid point about the Islamic world. He also seems to do it without the hate or prejudice view that others may have.
Ok the embed version doesn't seem to work, so here's a
link to the film.
Comments 4
Some might think that was both stereotyping and hateful.
Though I really like "mad mullah of multiculturalism." Alliteration is so rarely done well. "Bigoted misogynistic ignoramuses" not quite as well done but an excellent indirect smack down.
Though I do enjoy his points, I just wish he had mentioned the mentally handicapped woman who just got convicted by a Saudi court for witchcraft. It was particularly enjoyable since she is illiterate (cannot read nor write) so it may have a been a bit trying for her to understand her written confession especially since it wasn't read to her. Had it been read to her it might not have mattered much anyway - as she was doomed from the moment her accuser made charges since there is no protection for the people in Saudi Arabia that need it the most.
Ah well. Cheers to a new caliphate in Europe and North America. It won't last long because the Chinese will roll right over them in a heartbeat.
Didn't catch that.
While I am normally fairly tolerant the point he made about the Islamic religion learning to not force down our throats their way of life was a lot closer to what I was getting at. We had a Muslim woman speaking at our commencement this last spring and she seemed to be making more of a political speech than your traditional "you are embarking on the world, good luck" sort of speech.
I don't mean to imply every Arab has similar issues, nor every Muslim, but there is a nasty secret shared by many sons, brothers, and fathers that they have learned the behaviours appropriate to their homeland. It will be many many years before the Muslim and Arabic world allows for women to be given the freedoms and respect women have earned in Europe and North America. And in this time of transition and change, things will be brutal for those whom do not immediately bow to these tyrants but also do not directly confront and fight their ideology.That's exactly it though. Learned behaviors based on religious idealism that travels with them to foreign countries that have different ways of doing things. I remember something either in the UK or here in the US about a father who burned down his daughter's apartment because he didn't like the guy she had shacked up with. (And yes he was Muslim too.) It completely flies in ( ... )
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