So I'm finally back at home. For a while, at least. Here in a few weeks, I'll be on my way to sandy beaches and salty waters. I find it amusing that back in August (about fifteen entries ago), I was pouting about not being in Florida, and now I'm heading there in June. Guess whining does get you what you want every now and then. Heh, I totally
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Comments 24
I can't wait for the 2 hours LOST finale next week. :)
It really does. I actually cheated and just downloaded all the episodes as they aired, but never had a chance to watch. So after I finished exams a couple weeks ago, I watched them all. Muahaha! I was incredibly surprised by how much I fell in love with it.
So what episode of VM did you come in on? Have you gotten a chance to watch the earlier eps?
Dude, I'm with you. Lost is going to rock. J.J. has always had a knack for having awesome season premieres and finales. Can't wait.
I see your sugar, and raise you a bring it on, bring it on now.
Awww, I love all these VM icons! Makes me almost want to pay so I can have more than three icons to post with. Bah! *wishes she wasn't so cheap*
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I try to have three to cover my most basic emotions, like happy, sad, and inbetween, but that severly limits my choices. Bah. It sucks being poor. :(
By the by, do you use MSN? I'm trying to find new people to discuss the awesomeness of Veronica Mars (and other stuff, of course) with. If you do, I'd love to add you and then nudge you for the rest of eternity. (Kidding. Sort of.)
By the way, I'm totally telling Kate that you didn't defend her from my semi-bash. *runs in the direction of Kate*
Dude, you seriously need to get some form of internet going at your new apartment. LJing just isn't the same without yooouuu. So, you know, hop to it! Smile winningly at everyone you pass until someone breaks down and pays for you to have full cable and internet. And then send that person my way.
I'm working on it. I'm going to win every guy (all of them that I work with because I'm now the only girl) and get them to donate to the deposit and first month's payment. Think it'll work?
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