A Question of Sex, CSI x CSI: Miami, Greg/Ryan

Jan 31, 2010 18:28

Title: A Question of Sex
Pairing: Greg/Ryan, mentions of Calleigh/Valera
Rating: M
Disclaimer: disclaimed.
Summary: Sex without penetration? Really, there's only one person to ask.

It was just sex. Well, okay, no it wasn't... )

greg sanders, eric delko, rated: m, ryan wolfe, maxine valera, csikinkmeme, greg/ryan, frottage

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Comments 5

spilled_notes January 31 2010, 23:55:32 UTC
AHAHAHAHA. This! Epic win on your part. XD ♥ ilu Greg, and Ryan is just perfect.


candycanearms February 1 2010, 00:11:45 UTC
thank you! :) I'm glad you liked it so much.


maldeluxx February 1 2010, 10:38:39 UTC
That was really funny. And really hot too (both pairs) :D


kaylbunny February 1 2010, 16:40:12 UTC
Oh silly boys, stop arguing about it and just get off! I love this, it's very in character and funny. Also I didn't realise how much I wanted Calleigh/Valera till just now. YOU ARE MY NEW FAVOURITE PERSON.


hiddenmuse February 6 2010, 07:22:24 UTC
*applauds* This was awesome - very funny and on the hot side. Love it!


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