1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
soccergirl8? umm in school :D
2.~What would you do if you had never met
squints6? aww I don't know but she is a cool chik!
3.~What do you honestly think of
sunshine0314? well we went our separate ways....
4.~Would or did
renee_michelle6 and
xthrutheseeyesx go out? umm no they are both girls
5.~Have you ever liked
madkewlchick? lol mmm Lily you so sexy!
klutzyally died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? that I love her! and she is awesome!
swimsweetie8 and
mchicobtch make a good couple? hmm I don't think so
dancebabe03 in 3 words: silly, cute, lovable
9.~Do you think
cutiewidab00ty3 is hot? mmm yeah mal!! *mwuah*
klutzyally and
xxsexysiren18xx make a lovely couple? if they were lesbians, definitely...
11.~What do you think of when you see
xthrutheseeyesx? she is the best neighbor ever!
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
mchicobtch: she has smelly feet hahaha
13.~Do you know any of
fuzzymonkey810's family members? yeppers. oh remember when we always said your dad looked like my dad!
soccergirl8's favorite color? blue?? I think hehe
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
explosive215? ummm no comment
16.~What would you do if
pissykrissy just professed their undying love for you? I would tell her she is crazy but i respect her feelings and umm I'm not a lesbian
17.~What language does
renee_michelle6 speak? english??
18.~Who is
seeking_utopia going out with? no one i think..
moose_33 a boy or a girl? boy
voiceofreason85 and
pissykrissy make a good couple? haha probably not
21.~Who do you think
heatherbob would be great with from this list? ;dfjfgjaijlsfjbdljflkhgksj
22.~When was the last time you talked to
cutiewidab00ty3? since senior year
23.~What is
madkewlchick's favorite band? i have no idear
swimsweetie8 have any siblings? yesh
25.~Would you ever date
fuzzymonkey810? mmm age you so sexy you know i would :P
26.~Would you ever date
dancebabe03? umm that's illegal
heatherbob single? yeah
28.~What is
soccergirl8's last name? Richard
29.~What is
voiceofreason85's middle name? oh crap I dunno damn it
30~What is
sunshine0314's fantasy? dunno
31.~Where does
moose_33 live? on msu campus and harrison twp.
32.~Would you make out with
soccergirl8? hehehehe she knows
squints6 and
fuzzymonkey810 best friends? no I don't think they ever met
dancebabe03 like
soccergirl8? I don't know lol I don't think they've ever met
35.~How did you meet
voiceofreason85? through Heather
cutiewidab00ty3 older than you? no I think I am older
xxsexysiren18xx the sexiest person alive? mmm yea baby whoot! krissy you so sexy!