My mind is blank .______.

Apr 15, 2013 23:52

I cant seem to find anything to help me update
Read if you want to see epic sadness nonsense flowing out of mah mouth =3=

aaaaaaaaaaa flfashfaksgslkdjfhsajfldhgflkdsjdjhkfg

Im seriously depressed right now

I reaaalllyyyyy want to right the new chappie for Cold Innocence
But Im feeling sooo out of the zone rite noww OTL
For the past few days now actually

I seriously need to update it but rite now I've only got the first and last part of the chappie....
I need about 750-100 words mooarrrr
Seriously, Cold Innocence is getting to its better parts and here I am who cant even write the bridge between intro and Part 1 OTL
The next chapters somehow like a link. the first 6 chappies were the "Intro: Unescapable Mystery" and the following fics are "Part I: Darkness Unfolding" (8D) and to get to Part I I.need.a.bridge. and I cant find anything to help me write it T^T
nooo, i mean, I KNOW what to write and I know HOW to write it....but idk WHY I cant get it out of my head T^T
I need something. anythinggggg T^T

Does that mean I hate my own fic? NOOOOOOO, Im looking forward to writing Part I 8D....manyyyy things I want to write in Part I hhihihihihi >:D
But I cat even get past this bridge barrier fic OTL am I a bad writer? ;_;

The chapter would probably be up at LEAST 2 days after today. Or until I get out of my funk ;_;
I needs love right now. Inspiration beh beh o3o <3 <3

series: cold innocence, #rant/not a fic!, #pic/gif spam!

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