I have signed up for Jukebox 2016. So far I've only matched on the same one twice and it's kind of near the bottom of my list of desired requests
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All goes well in NaNoland so far, I am where I want to be story wise after six days. My characters are singing to me, I love them so much! I haven't got to the real villain of the piece yet though, that one may want to claw my face off.
Ugh, body why do you do this every month? I hate you! I also side eye every comment made to me online and in real life so... *headdesk
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So um, maybe I don't do Yuletide this year, I talked about skipping it in previous years due to bad experiences but this year, committing to NaNo and possibly a post NaNo editing schedule, maybe I won't join in the Yuletide madness
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Characters fleshed out? Check. Pushing past my comfort zones? OMG yes. Worldbuilding? In progress. Plotting? In progress. Cover art ready to go? Guilty as charged. Terrified of failing again? *noises like a fiery jet hitting the earth and exploding spectacularly*