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So this Pedro the Lion fella... he's a christian songwriter dude who I was avoiding. I liked his song "The Longest Winter" but I think I OD'd on Christian folks a few years back and I started just avoiding anything that might be part of the whole jesus thing. Anyway, I heard this Sufjan Stevens guy on the radio recently and downloaded 3 hours of his music, which was entirely worth it, but he turned out to be another big time christian guy. And before I sound like some completely biased jerk, I'll say that these guys aren't christian in the Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Woody Guthrie, Gillian Welch "yes they're christian but it's not a big deal" type of thing, or even the veggie tales, stryper "it's christian but it's so damned cute" deal (okok, veggie tales isn't all that cute) but a full blown evangelical serious youth movement. Old folks are easy to ignore, most of them are alcoholics that just needed something else to get addicted to. But young christians can inspire a kind of Hitler Youth-type fear in the garden-variety-vaguely-liberal-self-doubting agnostic. The thing about Sufjan though is that his music is the most exciting stuff I've heard since Magnetic Fields' 69 love songs. Which really doesn't seem long ago to me, but time travels fast (1999... I think gas was about $1.29 at the time) So I decided if I was going to listen to young jesus freaks I might as well go back and check up on that pedro guy. I downloaded a bunch of stuff (it's so disrespectful, to download everything someone has done, but I figure I've blown so much money on crap (I used to own 12 eric clapton tapes, and that was back when people would pay $10 for tapes and not feel that ripped off) that the music industry owes me money, and what's the likelyhood of me arguing that in court?) and I love Pedro. His songs are basically about doubting his faith but keeping on anyway, as well as some completely depressing but very perceptive songs about dating and politics and stuff. Not only that, but the very speed of the songs (somewhere between drunk turtle and pudding) is so in tune with me right now. Why the hell am I writing all of this? Well something about his songs is triggering all these emotions and memories and stuff. Probably the whole bornagain thing... my dad died while I was dating a bornagain lady and those 2 events have pretty much been carved into my psyche like a leatherface chainsaw swipe. But for the past 2 years I've been mostly avoiding thinking about that stuff until now. And I'm brain and heart wiser for it, and probably less depressed, but I feel all vulnerable and jittery, and all the crazy stuff going on isn't helping. Sometimes world events and emotional events seem so tied together you start to wonder if you're just a synapse of the global brain that get's fired when your part of the world gets tweaked. Maybe that doesn't make sense. I haven't written in here in a while. It's a journal, a diary, whatever. I feel guilty about everything all the time. The longer I don't talk to people the worse I feel about myself. There are some parts of my brain I wish I could just scoop out like a clump of pumpkin seeds.