man, I'm depressing!

Dec 11, 2005 00:14

Things are... thingy again.

I'm having a hard time treating my friends the same as I always have....
I mean, obviously they're the same as they've always been....
But now... they're dating.
Which.... is sad. And kind of nauseating.
I wish I could just stop being such a girl and stop liking him and hope for the best for the two of them.
But because I'm a girl.... I can't do that.
And I wish people wouldn't assume that just because I have a potential crush on someone else that I don't like HIM anymore.
Because I still LOVE him.
regardless of other crushes.
And as much as I want to stop loving him... it won't be immediate.
Because that's not how love works.

I don't have time to write about this anymore....
I have guard camp in 8 hours again....

I really really love my friends.
In fact, friends that I'm not around all the time and friends that aren't even sisters.
Friends that STILL love me and want to be around me.
Thank you, Sarah Elliott. I appreciate you more than you know.

Finals are soon....
I wish I cared more about them.
In fact, the only one I care about is my horn jury.

Anyway... I'm outtie5k.


My Year In Review....
first real lines of first entries of each month of 2005. jacked from seanie.

Last night was fun.

Soooo had our first WGI competition this weekend in Illinois.

Guys are so fucking stupid.

So, brass n sass yesterday and today.... was fun!

Welp. Finals are upon me...

I got a job... sheesh.

So, I was gone for a week!!

A real update.... and some random surveys.

Getting ready to go home for the weekend...

candyhearts013: but I have to stop thinking about drummers.

I'm always the bad friend.

Someday... I'd really like for something to go my way.
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