[The Basics]
Full name: Paige Denise Rose Wilson
Date of birth: May 10th, 1991
Gender: Female
Location: Warren, MI
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Reason for taking survey: no one is online, so i'm bored.
[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: the dark and bugs
If you could come from any country that wasn't your own, what would it be: australia
Do you drink: yes
Do you smoke: yes
If so, when did you start smoking: this year
If any, what drugs have you done: weed
Are you a junk food person or a healthy eater: both
Living arrangements: with my mom and my cousin
Name any pets you have: 2 cats named lizzi and whispurr
Siblings: none
Do you like your school: nope
What is your favourite class: used to be 2nd and 6th but not anymore since danny isn't in them, plus our classes are getting switched so..
What is your least favourite: 3rd hour Mrs. Petrobitch. Language Arts.
What genre of movie do you prefer: Drama/Comedy/Romance/Scary: if i have a guy to cling onto, scary. if i don't, then comedy..
What movies from that genre do you like the most: i like alot of movies, none are my favorite.
Name some bands/artists you like: oh god, i don't even feel like naming them all..
If you could eliminate the existence of one band/artist: nsync.. what faggots..
Time of the year: summer.. i fucking hate the snow
Friend: can't say
Family member: my aunt denise
Animal: dogs
Sweet food: um, idk
Spicy food: no idea but i love spicy food
Country: well i've never been anywhere other than USA but i'd love to go to australia
Colour: Pink
Cartoon: south park
TV channel: MTV, VH1, comedy central
Pastime: going online
Music genre: rock
Artists from that genre: lots and lots
Porno: don't have one
Magazine: cosmopolitain
Website: livejournal (i'm an addict, lol)
Swear word: probably fuck, who knows there's too many..
Ice-cream flavour: cookie dough
Store: american eagle
Place to relax: in my bed
Place to shop: the mall
Place to party: doesn't matter, a party's a party!
[Beliefs & Opinions]
What is your opinion on...
Abortion: go ahead, i don't think it's wrong
Child Abuse: it's wrong if it's constant but i mean if your kid acts up and deserves a beating now and then, go ahead..
Rape: it's wrong, no matter what.
Taxes: wtf who likes them?
Christmas: uhh.. celebrate?
Smoking: love it
The Iraq War & Saddam Hussein: die bush, die..
People who use their cell phones during movies: don't really care
Gay Marriage: it doesn't affect me since i'm not gay
Animal Testing: i really don't care but if i had to pick a side i think it's mean
Do you believe in...
God: yes
A counter-god, or devil: yes
The Soul: yes
Do you celebrate Christmas: yes
How do you celebrate your birthday: i don't
What is your religion: nothing
Does your family have any special customs: usually native american pow-wows but i don't see most of my family so i don't go to them
Are you a vegetarian: no
[For the Older Kids, Sex!]
Are you a virgin: yes, unfortunately *wink* danny.. haha
If applicable, did you like your first time: i'm a virgin so..? hopefully i will
Ever given head: not yet
Ever recieved head: nope
Ever done anal: nope
Does S&M appeal to you: nope
Do you watch pornography: yeah
How often do you masturbate: wtf how often?
Ever had sex while drunk: not yet
Do you regret any sexual incidents that occurred on your part: nope
Do you consider yourself sexually attractive: sometimes
Favourite sexual position: idk yet
Tell us about any of your personal beliefs regarding sex: i want to have sex with Danny. enough said.
[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: yes
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: the best, ever.
Are you, or have you ever been in love: i am right now
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: eventually, yes.
Do you believe in soul-mates: yes
Do you think long-distance love is possible: depends on the people
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: hair (weird, i know)
Biggest turn-ons: long hair, 6-pack
Biggest turn-offs: scrawniness, ugliness (i'm so nice)
Taller or shorter than you: taller, definetley
Ever broken someone's heart: um, not that i know of
Has someone ever broken yours: yes
Do/would you have children: someday i know i will
[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: yes
If so, was it from a store or a person you know: a store
Have you lied to your parents: who hasn't?
Do you get jealous easily: OMG so freakin' easily
Do you have a bad temper: yeah i'm a bitch
Have you ever made someone cry: yes
Ever physically hurt someone: yes
Do you consider yourself racist: yeah
[This or That]
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: pepsi
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: wild night out, baby!
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: unbelievable beauty
Christmas without gifts, or Christmas without everything else: without everything else, i'm too greedy.. haha
Rock or Rap: rock
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: invisible
Hearing or seeing: seeing
Depression or anxiety: niether, but if forced to choose i'd pick anxiety
Death by freezing, or burning: freezing
Death by suffocation or being stabbed: suffocation
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: lots of acquaintances
To be a singer or an actor/actress: actress, definetley (New York, here i come!)X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: x ray vision *wink wink*
Sweet or savoury: sweet
To never sleep or to never eat: never eat
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: sleep as much as i want
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: world domination
Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera: Christina sings better, but Britney makes better music
To enslave or to be enslaved: enslave
[The Last]
Person you talked to: erica k.
Person you argued with: my mom
Person you hugged: rachel
Person you kissed: danny
Phonecall: danny
Thing you ate: a biscuit
Thing you drank: pepsi
Time you showered: um a few hours ago
Time you told someone you loved them: danny on the phone earlier
Time someone said they loved you: danny said it to me earlier
Time you laughed: on the phone with danny
Time you vomited: when i was sick a few months ago
Time you had sex: not yet..
TV show you watched: i love the 90s
Song you listened to: Muse - Hysteria
Movie you watched: Stepford Wives
Dream you had: having sex with Danny.. haha
Time you got drunk: last wednesday.. somewhere around there
Party you went to: um new year's party
Item of clothing you bought: a shirt and a skirt
Person you would sleep with: danny!
[Have You Ever Been Called]
Bitch: yeah
Bastard: nope
Beautiful: yeah
Talented: nope
A waste of space: no
Liar: nope
Geek: yeah
Nerd: yeah
Peculiar: nope
Skinny: Yeah
Fat: No
pretty: yeah
Goth: No
Emo: No
Grunger: No
Innovative: No
Weirdo: Yeah
Stupid: Yeah
Retarded: Yeah
Annoying: Yeah
Freak: No
Brat: Yeah
Minger: No
Cute: Yeah
Interesting: Yeah
Boring: Yeah
Slut: Yeah
Whore: Yeah
Whoreface: No
Skank: yeah
Shitface: No
Ugly: Yeah
Disgusting: yeah
Cock: No
Tit: No
Twat: No
[Totally Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: put money towards college
Do you consider yourself to be romantic: yes
hat's the best thing somebody has ever said about you: you're perfect (danny said it to me<3)
Do you like candles: Yeah
Do you think emo people are idiots: No
Do you think goths are idiots: nope
Do you think people who take ridiculously long surveys are idiots: lol no
Do you believe men and women are truly equal:
do you read books very much: nope
Do people consider you to be a bookworm: no way
Describe your mother: wow, funny how when i was just on this question my mom walked in and started screaming at me. um, annoying, stupid, bitch.. pretty much any word that is bad..
What's one thing you would change about your body: don't wanna say
Would you kill one child to save the lives of 1000 children: yes
What one thing would a person have to do to deserve death: kill alot of people
The most romantic thing somebody's ever done for you: nothing yet, just say a bunch of really nice stuff
Have you ever skydived: no, i want to though
List three things you want to do before you die: have childeren, learn to play the guitar, become an actress
The world ends and you can only save three people and yourself: me, danny, and 2 friends idk who
If you could kick anyone's ass, who would it be: my mom
If you could sleep with anyone in the world, who would it be: danny
Are you bored of this survey yet: no
What is the meaning of life: there isn't a meaning of life