Title: Where I'll Go (To The World You Live) Length: 406 words Rating: G Genre: Romance Pairing: Minseok/Joonmyun Summary: For Minseok and Joonmyun, this was only their beginning.
WAAAAAAAAH it's full of my favorite thing for fics, potential *u* it's a cute little way to meet, kind of at an odd time of the day (morning, really keke) plenty more ‘I do’s' breaths harshly
huhuhuuuu tisoo my baby [heart heart] i'm so glad you liked it~~
whispers the first i do was spoken in the coffee shop the day they met; the hundredth i do of millions spoken in the same coffee shop on their wedding day
Comments 6
whispers the first i do was spoken in the coffee shop the day they met; the hundredth i do of millions spoken in the same coffee shop on their wedding day
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