Yes, there will be sign-ups posted tomorrow. If you'd like to join, you'll need to make a post in the community with your character info. You can use this form for reference.
Name- LJ Username- Valid e-mail-
Character Info: Name- Gender- Species- Anthro/Normal/Were (Specify character type)-
Description- Include ALL markings, eye color, coat, etc. Whatever you feel you need to add. It might also be a good idea to include reference pictures! Don't forget to mention what type of clothing, if any, your character wears, and what accessories it may have. If you insist, you can also specify location, and preferrably personality.
Comments 1
LJ Username-
Valid e-mail-
Character Info:
Anthro/Normal/Were (Specify character type)-
Description- Include ALL markings, eye color, coat, etc. Whatever you feel you need to add. It might also be a good idea to include reference pictures! Don't forget to mention what type of clothing, if any, your character wears, and what accessories it may have. If you insist, you can also specify location, and preferrably personality.
Anything Else/Misc-
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