Should've known the final destination would be lesbians. Why did I even board the het express. With massive effort I could splice myself in two and send one half to Destination: Het and the other to Destination: Reboot Lesbians.
NB: the show lost me, emotionally speaking, several weeks ago, so I've been reading all these posts about viewers moved to tears over the end with detached bemusement and a little envy.
My question is: why do two people have to die so Himari can live (a life in which she DOESN'T EVEN BECOME A POP IDOL)*
No seriously why
This offends my utilitarian sensibilities
* otoh if Himari did get to be a pop idol in the reboot I would complain a lot less ahaha what does this say about my value system
The other thing that offends me is that Kanba and Shouma effectively end up dying in recompense for the terrorist attacks? I mean, they sacrifice themselves to power the reboot, and the reboot is needed because Himari, and Himari is ill because she's the littlest lamb, so basically the boys pay for the sins of the fathers (and mothers) in the end? Or at least that's Shouma's read, and I don't see the show substantially contradicting his perspective. And blah blah Galactic Railroad, death is only the beginning, but that's just comforting BS.
What I'd thought/hoped the show would say is: no, you don't have to suffer forever for the sins of your parents and/or because society says you're worthless. If society doesn't value you, find individuals who will care about you regardless, form relationships with them, and value each other. That's what the Takakura kids did, right, by constructing their little chosen family. BUT WAIT someone still has to die! Multiple people have to die? I'm sorry, what? We went through all the struggle of forging bonds and forming this chosen family--for what?
Maybe I'm just tired of the "sacrifice -> reboot" ending. Idk it worked for me in MadoMagi (and Utena, for that matter), but. Maybe some part of my brain thinks it's heroic for a girl to martyr herself against the patriarchy, but if two boys sacrifice themselves for a sister that's way too much? But in Utena and MadoMagi it's clear that The System has been changed as a result of the hero's sacrifice, and I don't really see that in Pingdrum. (Am I missing it?) In evolutionary terms two healthy boys for one Ill Girl is a terrible trade lol. Maybe I'm doing the math wrong and we're supposed to figure it as Kanba sacrificing himself for Himari, Shouma sacrificing himself for (in lieu of) Ringo, so it's a 2 for 2 exchange.
I mean the visuals and music and production were swell and all, it's the thematic content that doesn't sit right with me. Clearly I'm approaching this all wrong and the real takeaway message is boys gotta die so we can have lesbians.
p.s. uhhh happy winter holiday(s)? Doing those memes from LJ soonish as I finally have the time. Decision not to do Yuletide this year = best choice, no regrets.