Fandom: Star Trek, Ace Attorney, Hetalia
Rating: Varies from Gen to NC-17.
Warnings: Porn, crossdressing, genderbending. Cracky crossovers.
I'm too late for Christmas, so Happy New Year? 8DDD
Please blame the tardiness on PS3, Tales of Vesperia and the promise of playing as FLYNN. )
Comments 30
So how was your vacation? I shall experience it vicariously through you since I basically stayed at home and did nothing for most of my break. :'DDDD
Um. I have around 50 bug bites? I can't sleep at night because it's too itchy. I ate a lot, got food poisoning from something or other, but ate a lot after. Oh my god, the beef. So amazing. You would love it. I had this one steak and it honestly cut like butter. There was so little tension... ahhhh~ couldn't stop eating. I have never had meat that was so delicious. Ate a lot. Shopped a lot. Bought a really cool skull of this mysterious animal that eats corn husks from underground. I took a shitload of pictures. The scenery was beautiful. Will upload one day~!
...And since I seem to remember offering last year, well... if there's, you know, ever a prompt you want to have filled... *meaningful shifty eyes?!*
I LOVE YOUR FILL FROM LAST YEAR AND I STILL REREAD IT AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. *A* You could totally write that Titanic AU, just sayin'? Or really, any P/E AUs I'll take. (You know, things like Phoenix as a librarian in a law library that Edgeworth frequents, etc)
I especially love Navi!Bones and Chibitalia!Spock. But really, this post was just a package of all my favorite things~ ♥
Navi!Bones is the perfect foil to Link!Spock. <3<3
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