Sep 04, 2006 17:15

Ok dudes...

Here is a list of things B-Den is and isn't allowed to do...

B-Den is not allowed to be shirtless:

No B-Den. I am sorry. You are like... four feet tall and maybe one hundred pounds soaking wet with cement blocks attached to your feet. You should not have you shirt off. You are not impressing anyone. Except maybe RyRo.

B-Den is not allowed to do this:

I don't even know what the fuck he is doing! But... he should not be doing it! It is making me very uncomfortable! Don't ever suggest we focus on your crotch. Ever. You will only embarrass yourself.

B-Den is allowed to do this:

But only with a real gun. I'm sorry, but you are a giant tool. You should either stop being an ass or just DOAF.

B-Den is not allowed to molest boys:

Look... he's forced them into the back of his car. Probably to play some sort of twisted game of truth-or-touch-b-den-in-his-danger-zone. He makes me sick.

Poor RyRo. B-Den is all up in his business. And all he can do is smile uncomfortably and try to get help from the photographer via telepathy.

B-Den is not allowed to have sex:

And what does this pic have to do with him having sex? I'm sure this is his O face. And that is sure to scar any girl for the rest of her life. No wonder you are still a virgin. Don't give me any of your "I'm a mormon" shit. We all know now B-den.

B-Den is allowed to have school pictures taken:

This is basically just for the lawlz. I mean... LOOK AT HIM! He is so wonderfully geeky! It's a tie between Freshman and Sophomore year. But they are all equally dorky. That's the B-Den I love.

B-Den is not allowed to wear short jeans:

Wear pants that actually fit your ass, B-Den! It's not that hard. No one wants to see your crack. Not even RyRo, and that’s saying something. This picture leads me to another point…

B-Den is not allowed to make faces:

More or less you just look like an ass, or you resemble Peet Wence’s monkey from the VMAs. Yes, it makes us feel better by making fun of you, but mostly it makes us pity you. So, so much pity.

B-Den is allowed to play with sharp objects:

I can only hope that he slips and stabs himself in the face. Or that the rest of the band flips out and finally kills him. It's only a matter of time as it is.

B-Den is not allowed to eat:

Apparently... this angers him. I'm not sure why though. I love eating. Everyone does. And I think he's eating a cookie. Why would that make him angry?? It should make him happy! What an ass.

B-Den is allowed to be creepy:

Basically, I find that kinda hot. Actually, everyone in that picture is pretty hot. Except the one on the end. Is that Spencer? Aww... poor Spencer. I'm sorry. You are an eternal virgin.
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