[Character Name] Shinigami/Lord Death
(Note: Because he's Death, The Grim Reaper, etc. etc., it's likely that I'll refer to him by any of the above.)
[Canon] Soul Eater
[Point Taken From Canon] Just after the demon god awoke and fled Death City
(Anime or manga.)
[Age] 800+
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Presumably hetero
[Eye Color] ???
[Hair Color] ???
Normal to tallish, anyway. It seems to fluctuate.
[Other] You really can't see any of his body. Assuming he actually has a normal human figure under all that stuff, there's no way to tell what it looks like.
[Clothing] Skull mask, black robes that stick out all crazily! 8Db
(I used both the English and Japanese names for the school in here, and separated them with a slash.)
Shinigami is more or less the Grim Reaper. Although it is uncertain if he's immortal, he's been alive for more than 800 years. He, as Death, personally charged himself with bringing down the onslaught of powerful witches that were around during the Dark Ages. In the canon, very little has been revealed about his life and past, so it's hard to flesh this out entirely. D:
Eventually, he decided to create a school for weapons and technicians called Shinigami Buki Shokunin Senom/Death Weapon Meisters Academy, or Shibusen/DWMA for short. There, technicians and weapons team up and learn strategies to work together and defeat the enemies of Shinigami while the weapons strive to become "Death Scythes" (pretty much ultimate weapons) by eating the souls of those they defeat. They are only permitted to kill those whose names are on Shinigami's List--pretty much the baddest apples out there. This includes murderers and witches, anyone who could possibly become a demon god. The children are to learn about demon gods and the reasons why eating the souls of good people is a bad thing. Forming Shibusen/DWMA softened Shinigami considerably, and he replaced his previous, more threatening skull mask with a softer more friendly-looking one, as not to scare the children at the school. The kids obviously have a deep and abiding respect for him. His enormous soul wavelength protects Shibusen/DWMA and Death City, but maintaining the barrier renders him unable to leave the city.
Shinigami spends most of his time in a place called the Death Room with his weapon, Death Scythe, and a tall mirror. Few can reach him there, and he communicates with students and staff at Shibusen/DWMA through reflective surfaces like mirrors and clean windows that somehow "magically" connect to his mirror and form a sort of video phone. He is able to leave the Death Room, but only does so under extreme circumstances, like ambush.
Somehow or other, Shinigami also managed to procreate himself a son, aptly named "Death the Kid" or "Kid Death". He loves Kid and believes he will be a great reaper someday, but thinks he's sort of a handful at times.
At the point in canon he's taken from, the witch Medusa has managed to revive a demon god (demon... thing; a corrupted weapon/technician combo) called Asura, which could spell a lot of trouble for Death City and its inhabitants. He attempted to stop Medusa's group himself, but they retreated and Shinigami was, of course, unable to follow...
[Personality] Shinigami is a relaxed, goofy sort of guy, but you can never tell what he's thinking because his face (if he really has one at all) is hidden completely behind his skull mask. Although he tends to be tolerant and easy-going (he does have Kid for a son, after all), he can be serious and will get down to business when appropriate. He can also be pretty scary when he wants to be, but since he began working with Shibusen/DWMA, he learned to turn this mode off. :'D
He's also occasionally long-winded when explaining.
Although he's technically Death and would therefore be regarded as a "bad guy", Shinigami seems primarily interested in taking down only the truly evil. He is lenient and will forgive offenses if he honestly believes the perpetrator is not at fault or is truly willing to change/make amends.
[Specialties/Abilities] He is extraordinarily powerful, but as he usually employs the weapons and their technicians to take down the wrong-doers, there aren't many instances where you actually see him using the full extent of his strength. He took down the notoriously strong Witch Archne single-handedly 800 years ago, though.
His weapon is called Death Scythe Spirit, and is Maka's father. Although Shinigami is presumably stronger when armed, he is still a formidable foe even without Death Scythe. Shinigami's favorite attack is Shinigami Chop, where he pretty much karate chops his victim over the head with one of his over-sized hands. This attack is used playfully sometimes and does little besides punish the target, but at other times, it can be used with enough force to render the victim unconscious.
[Affection] Shinigami loves kids (he has one of his own), so he could probably tolerate a lot more from children than adults. He does put up with Death Scythe, though, so he's pretty tolerant to all kinds of antics. Just don't, like, cling to him, I guess?
[Fighting Shinigami is, well, a death god, or reaper. It would take a lot to bring him down. In fact, he'd probably just Shinigami Chop you in the head and it would all be over for you. Probably not a good idea to pick serious fights with this guy.
It's possible he might be interested in helping you train, or something, though. :>
[Other Permissions] Can telepathic characters read your character's mind?
I... really doubt it. Shinigami is a hard read. I think if anything, the person would just be baffled by how seemingly blank he is, especially for someone who has such a long history. He's good at hiding it.
[Other Facts] He's Death the Kid's daddy! ♥