*note this is a long list put together by a tired group late at Denny's*
Derrick - Chopped Liver
Ken G. - Cube Steak
Morgan - Beef Stew
Wendi - Apple Pie
Jackie - Jello
Dean - Bean Sprouts
Brian - Mutton
Doug - Quiche
Roach - Chicken Breast
Ema - Chicken Noodle Soup
Don - Stuff in the Back of the Refrigerator
Damien - Crabs
Star - Strawberry Danish
Jana - Banana Flambe
Ben - Lamb Stew
Bear - Bear (any way you want to serve it)
Andy - Bacon
Jackson - Grilled Hot Dogs
Dave - Swordfish
Adam F. - Ramen
Angel - T-Bone
Chuck W. - Corn-beef and Cabbage
Cusraque - Fillet Mignon
Duffy - Pizza
Ed - Dave's Insanity Sauce
Kathy L. - Bread Pudding
Campbell - Chilled Monkey's Brains
Ken B. - Fresh Baked Rabbit
Neil - Pancakes
Beth - Strawberry Tart
Tim - Borsh
Carol - Fried Okra
Dylan - Toady Holes
Josh - Haggas
Mikey - Jalapeno Sauce
Chuck G. - Asparagus
Bean - Jelly Roll
Karen E. - Rice Crispy Treats
Peter - Cocktail Weenies
Ray-Ray - Spam
Jazz - Fruit Cocktail
Silla - Teramasu
Kevin - Sliced Pineapple
Adam A. - Felafel Waffle
Teresa J. - Upsidedown Cake
Dana - Jr. Whopper
Bridgite - Lemon Meringue Pie
Dana - Jolt Cola
Chris - Cumquat
Jumpy - Mexican Jumping Bean
Shemus - Rocky Mountain Oysters
Jay - Meatloaf
Josiah - Breakfast of Champions (Cold Pizza and Beer)
Big Joe - Roast Pig
Ximon - Noodles
Timmy - Sweetgrass
Jess - Lollypop
Tylor - Whipped Cream
Cuda - Kangaroo
Mitch - Coconut
Colleen - Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Mike P. - Chocolate Covered Ants
Becky - Chocolate Chip Muffin
Cindy - Crawler
Amanda - Peanutbutter Pie
Alayna - Blue Hawian
Martha - Fudge
Chris A. - Fish Sticks
Lisa - Maki Roll
Natile - Dirty Rice
Rob - Angelfood Cake
Phill C. - Bratwurst
Pete S. - Movie Popcorn
Karie - Vanilla Ice Cream
Deirdre - Chicken with Lemon Rice
Malcom - Fig Newton
Mo - Potatoes (any way)
Jay B. - Shitake Mushrooms
Darsie - Frosted Flakes
Dale - Pork Rinds
Steve K. - HoHo's and Milk
Jason - Cheesy Poofs
Jim - Natty Ice Light
Josh C. - Dill Pickle
Whitney - Hash (pick one)
Mosh - Marinara Sauce
Ken B. - PB&J with crust cut off and quartered
George C. - Playdough
Jen L. - FrootLoops
Brad W. - Goat Cheese
Spider - Fat Back
Sully - Pork Chops
Kevin G.- Wonderbread
Ally - Death by Chocolate