Title: Josh and Donna, A to Z or 26 Alphabetically Sorted Facts
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: So, this is an interesting little piece of fluff I've got going here. I was inspired by something else somewhat similiar, and since I can't come up with a story to save my life and miss these two like you don't even know, this is what I have!
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Comments 17
I love how perfectly you capture them!! Each drabble reaveals so much about them. So have such depth of understanding, I'm in awe. I love each one, but I think my favorite are the last three. And the fact that you could write such a fantastic srabble for "X" deserves praise itself!!
Anyway, I'm so glad you liked! I missed writing these two, and a year+ after the finale I'm just scrapped for plot ideas. But hey, a little fluffly mcfluff never hurt anyone (I don't think)
I am all wibbly over here. Snufflle. Sniffle.
Well done - sweet and fluffy without being sappy - I think you've caught it all.
And she’s not ashamed to admit that there are still times where he can make her stomach do a flip flop simply by smiling at her.
Nice to know Donna suffers from the same complaint as the rest of us!
O - Of course, Josh and Donna don’t have an anniversary. They have nine of them.
Glad you liked, muahs!
The little details you included make this just perfect.
I'm pleased as punch that people have responded well to this one, I was afraid the general set up would seem too contrite and a bit of a reach. But I liked it so much, and I'm so glad others do!
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