ooc: behind the scenes

Jul 07, 2010 11:18

Taken from the darling: a_soul_awake

What's your real name?: Kiersten. But I prefer Kiki, or Gweak.

Age?: 20

Where do you live?: Florida. The Us' crotch.

Do you have a job?: I work as a cashier/art person at Publix. Essentially I do whatever they want me to.

How much RP experience do you have?: I started roleplaying with my best friend around the age of 9 or 10. But I think everyone does the thing with animals, action figures, etc. Still. We had OCs, we had plots, and we had storylines. Sadly she grew out of it but I never did (sounds like some horrible addiciton, doesn't it?) so whenever I got the urge to rp I had to skimp over to neopets. It wasn't until browsing LJ did I discover team_x and what it could be used for. From there, the other magnificent comms and people I've had the fortune to meet. I've been on LJ a whole year now I believe.

What are your feelings about shipping?: I really try my best to let things develop naturally, because then it's just ridiculous. I can't stand people who are just in it for the ships. I like CR, storyline, plot, etc. If characters are created to eventually end up together thats fine. So long as there's a nice progression and it's not some disney movie love at first sight crap. Hell, half the characters I made I never thought they would have any ships at all and it just happened.

What are your feelings about smut?: Personally I'm a really conservative person. I have no problem with it. I don't feel it's always needed, but I'm not opposed to it either. I have to be really, really comfortable with the mun and feel that it's appropriate for the character at the time. I don't like people who rp just to do this though.

Are there things you won't RP?: STUPID SHIT. lol. I don't do things like incest, rape, S&M, etc.

What are your favorite things to RP?: I have a sick addiction to rping characters who have some sort of mental thing going on (probably because I do too. who doesn't?). Unlike a lot of people I enjoy prose and fighting scenes, given they're being exchanged between people who can play it well. Like, no god modding. I also prefer things a little more on the other worldly/fantasy side. Sorry guys. Humans are boring.

What's something you wished would get RPed more?: Good characters. I’m really getting sick of all the Fandom Sues and Stews that are showing up, crappy OCs without thought out plots and backgrounds. <-I'm leaving what Moose said right here because I couldn't word it anymore...politely. I also wished there were more people who stuck with what they start. Specifically things they involve other people in/get them excited about and then drop.

Are you plot driven?: Usually I like to have a plot. If things can go on merely with character interaction that's fine, I've met a lot of muses/friends that way and it's good here and there. But typically with my more serious muses I prefer plot.

Slow or fast tagger: Firefox has this lovely little notifier add-on that pops up to let me know whenever I have a mail of a notif. So I'm usually really quick, but you know lj hates notifs so..that's been hindering me.

Who are your active muses?:
Too many to concern yourself with. Have the Team X ones.

cantseethis , makesppldead , and donthink_shoot

Your favorite muses to write?: Wade was but as of recent I feel like I've lost his voice. I loved using Atticus too but things have been lagging in the rp world.

Contact Info: AIM: gweakles

meme, ooc

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