Deck 6
canttrustliars - Room 7417
gonnafreakout - Room 7201
ruethepollywog - Room 7228
seagullmun - Room 7265
Kiaran - 7270
internalcage - Room 7271
pimp_hat - Room 7286
citheronia - Room 7297
notaninnocent - Room 7303
it_was_a_blank - Room 7306
smokin_shifter - Room 7309
hylian_courage - Room 7312
ironicauthority - Room 7322
soldierbee - Room 7335
missmimmi - Room 7372
lol_oldgods - Room 7373
If your character isn't here, it's probably because Hajime doesn't really have much of an opinion on them. Come chill with me more.
Batou: (+) One of the first people Hajime talked to. Batou is smart, Hajime likes that. In a way he also keeps Hajime from getting too cynical about things.
Captain Redd: Not a person to mess with.
Celeste: (+) He appreciates her cynical humour, and can put up with her less than polite nature because of this. He definitely owes her one for saving Niamh. She left and returned to the boat and is definitely different now, but still considers her a friend.
Christine: He doesn't approve of her relationship with Erol, but it's her choice, and on a boat like this, there's not much he can do about it. Other than her horrible choice of company, she's a nice girl.
Conan: Is far too smart for a 7 year old. Probably hiding something.
Eon: Another person who he's apparently been charged with taking care of. He'll keep her secret as long as she wants him to.
Erol: (-) Is dangerous. Hajime knows enough now that Erol likely wont go after him without provocation, and keeps his distance so he doesn't accidentally give Erol a reason.
Even: Dangerous if you get on his bad side, but okay if you treat him with the proper respect. He takes (or took) care of Lily, which says... something.
Guy: You've got to be joking. Hajime was all for a therapist at first, until he started analyzing the little things Hajime was saying. Good job Redd, hiring a quack.
Jak: A good guy, if a bit emotionally immature. He's gone through a lot.
Jane: Needs a reality check, but Hajime isn't going to be the one to give her one but refuses to take one. Shit.
Jared: A respectable dude with an awesome beard.
Kadaj: (-) Psychopath with a mother complex.
Kage: Hajime's gotten used to Kage, but still thinks he could handle his position better than he currently is.
Lain: A sweet girl. He's curious about her apparent mind-wiping powers, but he wont push it.
Lika: Thinks writing is calligraphy. Hajime thinks that it would be interesting to learn about the future, and is all for helping her adapt to the past.
Lily: (+) He thinks she's cute, but wonders where she came from that she doesn't know so many things. His mind kinda glosses over the whole "killed a tiger" thing. Hopes she can get back to her old self after Even leaving.
Mimmi: Took care of her when she arrived. Glad she's adapting to the boat after the whole WWII thing.
Niamh: (+) The little sister he never had. Happy she's gone back to her home, though he still misses her.
- Boc: Doesn't exist.
Remy: Hajime still feels a little bad about the marshmallow thing. Thinks he's a bit over friendly at times, but puts that up to cultural differences. He appreciates that he's gotten him to call him by his last name, though. Also: the fact that he's not retarded.
Anything to say so me? Feel free to use this post. Comments are screened, anon is on, IP logging is off.