It has been a while since I last posted so decided it was time I got round to doing it
I guess the biggest thing is that we are officially starting moving our things back to Jeff's parents tomorrow *insert sobs of distress and screams of DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS here* We're not actually moving in tomorrow though, with it being Easter Sunday we've been "invited" up for dinner, and Jeff just surmised it'd be a good idea to take some stuff up so as to minimize further car trips all in one go. He has a point, we're moving 45 miles out of the city and it's a long journey, especially in rush hour traffic. All in all, we're reckoning at being there about 2 months *insert beating fists and ranting here.* As you may have guessed I really don't want to do this, but I understand that we have to, plus we really need to get out of this house and the city in general. We finally figured whats making Jeff so crampy in his chest, It's a combination of not eating very regularly and also our flatmate Richard smokes a pipe, the pipe smoke REALLY gets to Jeff. It makes it hard for him to breathe properly without chest cramps and causes him to cough a lot which in turn makes his chest muscles sore. As for the city, it's just an insane place to live. The cost of living is damn high (a basement bachelor pad which comprises of one room serving as kitchen, dining and living room and a bedroom all in one with a separate bathroom, costs as much as $1000 a month, on the low end of the scale it costs about $500 - $600 a month)
Up where Jeffs parents live we have clean air, clean rooms, regular meals without paying for them, our laundry done at no cost, and the park right next door if we need to escape. (I see myself spending a fair bit of time there over the next few months) Now I can almost hear you all asking, Are you mad?? Why wouldn't you want to live there?? And the answer is 2 words, Jeffs mom. Now I have a theory about us moving there, For the last few months she's done everything she can to convince Jeff to move back home, and up until now it hadn't worked, but now with the chance of a job up in that area for Jeff we've been left with little alternative. So now she has her son back home she'll be one of two things or possibly both.
1. She'll be happy he's back under her roof, and she'll do everything in her power to dissuade him from moving back out, or
2. She'll do everything in her power to split Jeff and I apart.
For that I say let her try, the first time she starts on me then I'm sorry but the first thing I'll be throwing in her face is that Jeff and I are getting married this year. She doesn't know yet, and while Jeff's dad knows he proposed to me during the summer last year he also doesn't know we set the date for this year. So it'll be a shock for both of them. I guess I'm just tired of hiding it from them, I just want to tell them and let them deal with it one way or another.
As soon as the opportunity arises we're out of there. I couldn't stand being under their roof any longer than I have to be, and I know Jeff feels exactly the same way. However one person in particular is going to find that a certain Yorkshire Bitch can and will play just as dirty as them, in order to protect what she's fighting for.