End Of An Era??

Apr 04, 2005 23:05

Hmmmm, where to start?

It almost seems like the end of an era and in a way I guess it is. We've moved out of our Flatmate's and back in with Jeff's parents for the foreseeable future and I have to admit, things on that score seem to be going pretty well up to now. Jean and I are getting on well enough, there's still the odd awkward moment where things seem a little, not tense I guess but ..... weird.

Things between Jeff and I seemed to have moved to a new level and this I really can't explain. It feels like we're closer than ever before and I just know it has something to do with the fact that we're now living back at home. However I'm not complaining, on the contrary I'm enjoying this newfound closeness. It's something that can be used as a defense thing if things between Jean and I or Jean and Jeff go downhill. It's nice to know we'll both be batting for the same team so to speak instead of getting our wires crossed as has happened a couple of times in the past. We "celebrated" 11 months together yesterday, although the celebrations were somewhat dampened by the fact that the snowstorm that started a little past 6pm the day before still hadn't abated and didn't in fact stop for 27 hours so we had another 5 inches of snow to deal with, although today it's been melting fast.

I popped out for a smoke right before Dinner tonight and saw 2 Canada Geese foraging for Food on the garden, sticking their beaks into the snow where they had to, or feeding on small areas of Grass that were exposed. During Dinner, jeff's mom told me that they pair for life and that the ones on the Lawn could be a pair that were there last year, along with another 20 or so that found their way onto her Garden. I find it kinda strange that we as Humans with all the latest Technology at our hands and the power to change things can't deal with relationships. Canada Geese pair for life and the only time they pair up with another is if they lose their mate to Death. So many people divorce these days and granted whilst Geese obviously don't have Divorce courts and all the technology we have, they find a mate and they live together, breed together, find food together and aren't bothered by other Geese living closeby doing exactly the same things. We as humans should take a leaf out of their books.

Jeff and I received an Email off Brady, the guy who lived downstairs while we lived with Richard. When we moved we dropped a note in to tell him we'd moved and left Email and Cellphone contacts in case he heard from his friend in Vancouver. To our surprise he sent us an email yesterday saying we should have knocked on his door and he'd have helped us move out\r stuff into the Van. But anywayz, he had so many kind things to say about us and hoped things were going well. He also wants to keep in touch so we'll definitely be doing that, and once we've got a place of our own and we're settled, we'll definitely be inviting him and his girlfriend Louise up for Dinner and Drinks one night. He is such a kindhearted, friendly person and I'm pleased we made his aquaintance via a weird first meeting which I won't go into here.

So yeah, the end of an Era and the start of a New one, who knows what life will hold for us in the coming weeks and months? I know it's made easier by the fact that we don't have to worry about money and bills so much. We will be able to get out and about on the Money that Jeff receives from EI, and on another note, living here has already drastically cut my smoking down more than before. A box of 25 lasted me 48 hours at Richards, now I'm heading into my third day of a pack of smokes with 5 still left. I'm smoking half at a time and whilst a few people scoffed at me saying I'd smoke more often they were astounded to learn that I wasn't. So I'm pleased with my progress there and just hope I can keep it up. I'm determined to keep that going and am also starting on a fitness regime of my own making. Once the snow has melted fully I'm starting by Jogging round the lake (walking when I run out of steam lol) and once the pool at the park opens I can swim there for free so I shall be swimming most days and jogging/walking round the lake too. I'm sure as I get better my spirits will lift and as a result rub off on Jeff and he'll be in better spirits too. It's not that we're down and depressed although things could be better, we've just realized that now we really have to be mature and handle things as they come, otherwise they'll just get worse.

We're determined to do this.

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