Captain's Log; Stardate 2258.63
Due to the absolute insane amount of people recently, I've landed myself in this planets' version of SickBay. Something has made the local's wings grow in at least twice their size and given then power over elements it seems. A fellow Captain unceremoniously threw a fireball at me, causing some minor damage. Though it should be noted that when you screw with these wings? It hurts about as much when you twist a body limb. Not that I'd have first hand experience.
Medical advancement here is... fairly primitive. My Chief Medical Officer Bones would have a coronary if he saw this. I get the feeling that they'd advance farther if we were actually given the technology by our captors. However our captors really don't give a damn.
Returning to the earlier subject: apparently the insane growing of wings isn't something that our captors did. There were a few announcements to support it. Most of the residents have set themselves some sort of bases for protection. No real clear resolution to the situation.
Kirk out.
Right so, for anyone who isn't insane: any plans?