Yesterday I wrote about
how and wny I hate Las Vegas. Here's another reason to add to the list: I usually get sick after visiting Vegas. It's a combination of the latent cigarette smoke and all the people in close proximity to one another indoors. I am sick right now from my trip earlier this week.
On Friday I had no particular symptoms other than feeling washed out. I figured that was understandable as I'd been traveling for two weeks and was running a sleep deficit. I went to bed early, before 9pm. Overnight into this morning I developed a chest cold. My primary symptoms are a cough with a bit of phlegm, wheezing, and dull all-over body aches.
You might be wondering, as I was....
ArE tHeSe SyMpToMs CoViD?!?! Because the sad thing about Covid-19 having become endemic is that pretty much every time you get symptoms shared with the common cold you gotta wonder if you need an urgent doctor's appointment to get some Paxlovid.
Well, I took an at-home test today, and the result is negative. It looks like I just have a common cold. Yay,
getting annual Covid booster shots!
Even so, this cold is likely to get worse before it gets better. Just 15 minutes before I started writing this I started getting chills and shakes. They've subsided now, but I think I'm still going to go to bed early, by 9pm, again tonight.
Update, 4 days later:
It's Covid. I tested again. This test was a false negative.