Title: conspirators in living [e side]
Summary: The story of how Eames always wanted to be someone different until Arthur gave him the means to do so.
Rating: R
Word Count: ~10800
Beta: No beta, oops? Tell me if I messed something up :)
A/N: After reading
smallacts story
conspirators in living Eames' side of the story came pouring out of me. GO READ HER VERSION
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Comments 5
‘Lloyds TSB Bank, account # 8829100345
Please Help Her’
Medical care is generally free in the UK via the NHS. So I'm not sure why he's leaving bank details. There is a private sector but they don't do emergency medical care, and you can't just turn up without prior arrangement or prior referral from an NHS doctor. The bank details are also next to useless without the proper forms - direct debit/standing order etc.
Obtaining Sarah’s medical information is difficult for him but with the right money slipped to the right people he gets the updates he needs.
Information is generally shared with the family, next of kin unless the patient asks the hospital/doctor not to. And in Sarah's case it sounds like she is incapable so they would be discussing all medical care decisions with the family/next of kin which would be Eames.
When Eames left, he disappeared completely. Just, up off the face of the Earth disappeared. I feel like he would do his best to erase all traces of himself and make it seem like he never existed and if anyone ever figured out that he was indeed a person at one point, he's been off the radar long enough that anyone who knew him as a rebellious dunderhead of a kid would think he picked a fight with the wrong person and ended up in a ditch somewhere.
I guess I put a lot of outside thought into this that I didnt explain in-text. Sorry about that! I hope the medical inaccuracies didnt ruin it for you!
Cutest scene ever. Someone needs to draw fanart of this. <3
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