Title: And You In My Bed, The Sweet Present of The Present
Summary: Eames and Yusuf go on late night drives together; Yusuf is a chemist and Eames is just a man.
Pairings: Eames/Yusuf
Ratings: PG-13
Warnings: Pining, unresolved ~feelings, un-beta'd.
Word Count: 1300
A/N: I started writing this for
bookshop 's
fluff meme and then it turned into this and Idk if
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Comments 28
Thanks for reading, m'dear~
I know that a lot of people love the Y/E pairing and probably even more would like it if they were able to read something that demonstrated what Y/E shippers see in the pairing. Sometimes it feels a little daunting writing about Yusuf since the only thing we share is a love for science (and Eames, ba-dam-pish!) but I figure love conquers all and everything else is just a learning process. Idk, now I'm just waxing romantic, lol, ignore me~
Honestly, I dont plan half of what I write. If inspiration strikes then yes, I will but as I'm up to my eyeballs in school + half-finished prompts, I dont know if it will be any time soon. But you never know~
(Thank you again for the sweet comment, I really enjoyed replying to it.♥ )
I just expect that Yusuf and Eames would be really great buddies, so that's pretty much my own personal expectation in this pairing! I'm not sure I share, like, ANYTHING in common with Yusuf... maybe something kinda obscure like an attention to detail? Yeah, not much. XD
I know what you mean with the school thing - I've been getting distracted by school as well. I've been trying to work on a few select things, but school is trying to steal my attention away. It's working, too. D:
(If you dont mind my asking, where was I rec'd? Curious minds and all.)
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