Title: Tear Us Apart (Again)
Summary: Wherein Arthur and Eames fall in love, the way normal people do. Rough and with no small amount of heartache.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Too. Many. Emotions. Misplaced anger. Artsy formatting & woefully unbeta'd.
Word Count: 5,100 / ~20,000
Original Prompt: Written for
this prompt at
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Comments 19
And -god-, Eames always forging Arthur's eyes, and -GOD-, Arthur's projection of Mal telling his secrets, jfc.
I love your writing so much!
Thank you for reading! (& btw, nice icon ;) )
I really enjoyed reading this. It's quite different from other fics where they fall i- love and deal with it and whatnot but you did give it an originality and still made it them. This is amazing.
Maybe it's too much to ask for (or wishful thinking on my part), but I feel that so much more can add on to this story. Like maybe having a story that covers in detail the time in between 2005 - 2006 (seemed like they were in a bad place in 2005) and/or go into detail from 2001 onward.
Basically, it seems like I don't want it to end LOL! That's how much you drawed me in and have me begging for more!
Personally I feel that Arthur has so many issues including low self worth. He doesn't know why Eames or the rest of the team loves him, and it seems that as much as Arthur loves him, he does things to endanger the relationship (not saying that Eames is completely innocent, but between the two of them....)
Shesh....sometimes I think I should be an editor as many times as I mentally add on things to stories I read lol.
Anyway, AWESOME STORY! Great job!
Wow! You've read so much into the story, thank you! I feel like I left a lot unsaid and while I could probably come back to this later and expand on it, this story took over my life and became this whole embarrassing emotional process that I'm not sure I want to visit again so soon.
Arthur's problems are more apparent because everyone can relate to Eames' role in the relationship (the caring one being pushed away) on some level and thus we empathize with Eames more. Its harder to empathize with Arthur who has a hard time figuring out how to deal with Eames' constant, ceaseless presence (which, while endearing, can become irritating very fast) and this love that he hasn't worked for, that he does his best to drive away, and yet keeps coming back. OH THE ~DRAMA. /prattles on
Thank you so much for your delightful review!
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