Fic: Written on Skin (1/2)

Aug 03, 2009 02:03

Well, I tried to write fluff and happy, got bored, and found this prompt instead. Still working on the epilogue to worst mistake though...Enjoy ( Read more... )

written on skin, star trek, fic

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Comments 13

anonymous August 3 2009, 03:03:56 UTC
OMG! This is so great! I need more.


caoilin_noir August 3 2009, 12:07:03 UTC
Thank you! I shall do my best to oblige...


tigriswolf August 3 2009, 11:56:08 UTC
This is disturbing on so many levels, and yet I couldn't stop reading.


caoilin_noir August 3 2009, 12:06:20 UTC
It really is isn't it? But I can't stop writing ;-o
I just need to learn how to do the happy, fluffy bits now...


zerrah August 13 2009, 16:00:16 UTC
Guh this is so great. Pleeease finish it! I will have your internet babies or whatever else they say on the internets. : )


rubynye September 10 2009, 15:47:37 UTC
This is wrenching and astonishing; I'm very impressed with the way you write physical and emotional pain.


fopperies September 19 2009, 15:39:27 UTC
Just read Worst Mistake, and combined with this I'm really starting to believe in Jim/Bones. Akjdlkfd. ♥ You write beautifully.

I'm dying for part two though. D: I can't explain how much I need for Kirk to come in and stitch him back together.


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