I feel horribly depressed. I can totally feel the symptoms. It's not good at all. On top of it, I'm still sick. So all sorts of shit is getting thrown off. For starters, my sleeping habits. I slept for nearly FOURTEEN HOURS today. Last time I gazed at the clock before finally falling asleep, it was almost 5am. I wound up waking up just before 7pm.
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Comments 9
Looking back over your posts from a few days ago I see you on a break-through. You're just about to enter a really good phase of life. Is there some reason why you're getting this depressed and wanting to avoid the potential for goodness in your life?
Think about it ...
If I'm on a breakthrough of some sort, I'd kill to know what kind, and when entering the good phase comes in. I really can't think of why I'm feeling down, other than just basic stress due to increased workload (school) and some financial woes (which should clear themselves up shortly), and that shouldn't be enough to drag me as far down as I feel. I'm pretty sure I'm not looking to avoid positive things, tho, especially right now. I'd give just about anything for that breakthrough to come any day now.
I'm not "OMG MUST SLIT WRISTS" or anything, I just can't bring myself to feel happy for longer than 5 minutes at a stretch for any reason... which sucks, because I have plenty of reasons, I just can't manage to even force it, much less just let it happen. It's weird and frustrating to be so blah.
Cheer up, everyone gets depressed to a degree. I'm sure it will pass. Maybe finding things out about this city that you really love will hep you feel more connected to it. One thing that makes me stay here is that there's no other mix of eclectic weirdos anywhere else quite like NM.
Maybe not sewing but isn't there something else you could do for cash? Like maybe computer repair, or something.... Or you could dedicate yourself to writing stuff and selling that.
I read the first sentence and thought I'd done something wrong. o.o;;
Dude, if there's a WaHo around here, you've gotta introduce me. Holy crap. You are my hero for knowing about this.
I 'discovered' Gecko's on Thursday, which seemed okay. It's nice n' close, too. But I think it goes next to Garduño's on my list, tho. Doesn't seem like a place I'd frequent. It's more a bar than anything.
"One thing that makes me stay here is that there's no other mix of eclectic weirdos anywhere else quite like NM."
Really? That's one of the things that bugs me most about ABQ. The people here are WEIRD. It's nice to find the folks that're the good kind of weird, but the bad weirds are BAD. x_x
A person at LEAST needs 16 hours of sleep... mmmm...
sleeeeep... *drools* ^-^ I'm such a sleep-aholic. It
really can be annoying when there are things to be done.
Hms, I've never heard of 'Varsity' or an 'In or Out'...
But no worries! Don't be depressed! Everyone gets that
way a time or eighteen-thousand. ;)
a burger (never ever ever). I know I'm weird. I do eat chicken sandwiches though, I get them
plain with nothing on them (just chicken and a
bun)... I'm such a picky pain teh butt. XD
Yeah, oversleeping kind of makes one feel a bit
guilty... but honestly I CAN'T function well
without at least 10ish hours of sleep in a night,
I think there may be something wrong with me :(
...maybe it's the lack of red meat... lols.
I guess I'm saying that maybe your depression is a nutrition thing as well? It's just a suggestion thrown out there. I'm totally not telling you to give up things like coffee and such, but maybe you should look into supplements?
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