Title: Through the Park
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: M/M slash, boys fooling around in the park.
Disclaimer: I don't own these sexy men.
Malissa: A picnic make out/smex session.
No actual picnic or make out. Just some implied smex.
Title: Barter System - Purple Shirt of Sex/Striped Jumper
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: John, Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: John in the Purple Shirt of Sex.
Disclaimer: I don't own these sexy men.
Malissa: Sherlock dressin as John and vice versa for Halloween.
Title: Sociopath Smile
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: None other than Sherlock just smiling creepily I guess.
Disclaimer: I don't own this sexy man.
Gizheng: Sherlock's sexy smile.
Title: Kids
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: Sherlock, John
Rating: G
Warnings: Sherlock and John as toddlers.
Disclaimer: I don't own these boys.
Anon: John and Sherlock as little kids.
Title: John/Fem!Lock
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: John/Fem!Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sherlock as a girl, and John inspecting the 'girls.'
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Anon: John/Fem!Sherlock
Title: Mycroft
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: Mycroft/Umbrella (my otp)
Rating: G
Warnings: None, other than it's a gif.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Anon: Anything with Mycroft. ANYTHING.
My mind interpreted this as Mycroft/Umbrella.
Title: Movie Night
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boys cuddling on a sofa. Sherlock being sherlock
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Atuin: BBC Sherlock -- Sherlock and John watching a movie together; maybe a murder-mystery (like Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang) that Sherlock figures out right away.
Title: Meet the British Government
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: Gray!Mycroft, Gatiss!Mycroft
Rating: G
Warnings: A crude attempt at the 'diet' joke.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Ticktock-rin: Granada Mycroft meeting BBC Mycroft
Title: A Dragon and his Hobbit
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: Hobbit!John, Smaug!Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Rodentcomradery: BBC DragonSherlock and HobbitJohn.