5o Books - Rules and Guidelines:
oo1. Read 5o books or more in 2oo9.
oo2. Keep track of how many I read.
oo3. First-time books only.
oo4. Leaving entry public. If you want to
recommend any books, go for it.
oo1. "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception" (2008)
author: Scott McClellan pages: 323
finished: June 8 rating: 3/5
comments: It’s filled with a lot of interesting information and provides a look into Bush’s presidency from an insider’s prospective, but the actual text is tough to get through. Scott, his ghost-writer or his editor, or all three, really needed to focus the purpose of the book better. It’s a bit all over the place, but, as I said, it’s got some interesting shit in it. He paints Bush as a smart, empathetic man, but someone who is too stubborn for his own good. McClellan illustrates many times how Bush likes to make his mind up on a matter first and then make the facts suite his position, rather than considering the facts and then making up his mind. It’s funny, I started the book when Bush was still president and have finished it after he’s left and we have a new president; a president who is unlike Bush in so many fashions.
oo2. "Twilight" (2005)
author: Stephenie Meyer pages: 498
finished: July rating: 3.5/5
comments: TBA
oo3. "L.A. Candy" (2009)
author: Lauren Conrad pages: 324
finished: July rating: 3/5
comments: TBA
oo4. "Sense and Sensibility" (1811)
author: Jane Austen pages: 336
finished: July rating: 3/5
comments: TBA