Sep 08, 2009 22:26
I want to get this straight, because I can’t see the fucking logic in my situation. This is New York City, but the police can’t enforce the laws on its own, and therefore I’ve been brought in to help fight crime.
If this wasn’t so ironic, I’d be fucking crying. Commissioner Angotti would kill me for even thinking about it. I guess nobody's going to care if I was shit at this gig, are they?
That’s probably irrelevant. So instead of just putting aside the funding and going on a recruitment drive, someone decided to bring me here and tell me to fight crime. That doesn’t make any goddamn sense! I’m all for cracking down on crime, believe me, liberals hate it when I do, but the fact of the matter is that any city, especially New York City needs a good police force. That doesn’t exactly warrant putting in the funding for, what the fuck would you even call it, trans-dimensional technology! I don’t even want to know what the people in city hall are doing to deal with this.
Who the hell would even think about-
[ Here the recording stops, and there’s a long stretch of silence, before his voice kicks back in, however it’s very much more subdued, and mostly a whisper. ]
Fucking hell. Where’s the other tower?
mitchell hundred | the great machine