Oct 29, 2009 22:21
[it begins with dr. mann muttering! :D]
Mother of Christ. It had to be the one day I pass up on reheated takeout.
[NOW HELLO SPEAKING VERY LOUDLY also there are people muttering in the background and screaming for help. her voice is very sarcastic and as calm as she can make it, which is not much dohoho.]
Yes, Virginia, everyone who isn't living under a rock has noticed there are zombies in the coffee shop. And if you make distressed video post after distressed video post about those zombies, amazingly enough, you knock everyone else's distressed video posts to the bottom of the cue, and then nobody sees their distress and they get eaten by hordes of the shambling undead. If you need help or clarification or some philosophical chat time, for fuck's sake, do it here. I know I don't exactly have the authority involved, but Think of it as an outbreak to quarantine.
That being said, I'm currently locked in the ladies room of a coffee shop with twelve other people, which is unsanitary to say the least, the only weapons in a milewide radius are scones, and my powers mean I'm shit out of luck in hand-to-decayed-hand combat. They don't seem particularly intelligent, or even hand-to-eye-coordinated, but, as should be obvious by now, they're fucking everywhere.
[a woman says, softly, "I wish you wouldn't swear so much." :(]
Yes, well, I wish there weren't zombies wearing their fingers down to stubs on the fucking bathroom door, but you know how the song goes. There. Who else on the network needs backup or wants everyone to see their best Bruce Campbell impression? I'm all ears, until Commissioner Brains ingests them.
† dr. allison mann | n/a